World No Tobacco Day 2023: Dates, Campaign Themes, History, Significance, Events and more

World No Tobacco Day 2023: According to WHO, globally, nearly 60% of tobacco users want to quit smoking, but only 30% of the world’s population has access to quality smoking cessation services. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced millions of smokers to quit smoking. Therefore, to celebrate World No Tobacco Day 2023, WHO launched the global theme “Grow Food, Not Tobacco”. This theme aims to raise awareness of alternative crop production and marketing opportunities for tobacco farmers and encourage them to grow nutritious, sustainable crops.

Today is #WorldNoTobaccoDay đźš­#DYKâť“ More than 3 million hectares of land in more than 120 countries are being used to grow tobacco while more than 300 million people globally are facing severe food insecurity.

Grow food, not tobacco đź”— #No smoking #Tobacco exposure

— World Health Organization (WHO) (@WHO)
May 30, 2023

This #WorldNoTobaccoDayBreak free from the shackles of tobacco and embrace a healthier life.#GrowFoodNot cigarettes #No smoking

– Ministry of Health (@MoHFW_INDIA)
May 31, 2023

World No Tobacco Day is an annual event organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) to highlight the risks associated with tobacco use and help people understand the effects of passive smoking. to smokers, their families and communities. It is also important to support policies that reduce tobacco use.

This is also the day when smokers are encouraged to quit their journey or not smoke for at least the first 24 hours. The use of tobacco causes several diseases such as tooth decay, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, tooth stains, etc. Some important things during the day are:

  • Promote strong smoking cessation policies.
  • Upgrade access to addiction treatment services.
  • Spread awareness about the tobacco industry’s tactics.
  • Through the Quit and Win initiatives, which aim to support people who want to quit smoking.

World No Tobacco Day 2023: Quotes, slogans, wishes, messages and more

What is tobacco?

Tobacco is an agricultural crop, a plant grown all over the world. Did you know that tobacco is a nervous system stimulant, causing complex biochemical and neurotransmitter disruptions? Its leaves contain high levels of addictive nicotine, which is harmful to health and causes side effects. In general, people consume tobacco leaves by smoking cigarettes, cigars, and pipes or applying it to the gums when dipping and chewing tobacco as well as by inhaling it as snuff.

It is a popular and famous saying that “Health is wealth”. Good health is any person’s mental, physical and social well-being and not just the absence of disease.

World No Tobacco Day or Anti-Tobacco Day emphasizes the health and other risks associated with tobacco use and advocates for effective policies to reduce tobacco consumption.

Several campaigns, events and activities are organized on this day to educate people about the harmful effects of tobacco on health. We all know that smoking cigarettes or other similar products brings joy for a while but it takes away life. It may happen that after chewing tobacco, a person feels energetic for a while but have you ever thought why is that so? They are addictive and you will get caught up in this wheel and have a hard time getting out.

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World No Tobacco Day or Anti-Tobacco Day 2023: Theme

This year the theme for celebrating World No Tobacco Day 2023 launched by WHO is ‘Growing food, not tobacco’.

The theme of the 2021 World No Tobacco Day campaign is “Commitment to quitting smoking”.

The theme of World No Tobacco Day or Anti-Tobacco Day 2020 is “Protecting youth from industry manipulation and preventing them from using tobacco and nicotine”.

For decades, the tobacco industry has used strategic, bold, and well-resourced tactics to attract young people to use tobacco and nicotine products. This year’s World No Tobacco Day will provide a counter-marketing campaign and empower youth to take part in the fight against Tobacco.

The theme of World No Tobacco Day or Anti-Tobacco Day 2019 is “Tobacco and lung health”.

A number of campaigns are held on this day to educate people about the harmful effects of tobacco on human lungs, and that it can also cause cancer and chronic respiratory diseases. It also focuses on a number of policies aimed at reducing tobacco consumption and engaging stakeholders across multiple sectors for tobacco control.

The theme of World No Tobacco Day or Anti-Tobacco Day 2018 is “Tobacco and heart disease”. It focuses on heart health.

According to WHO, this campaign will raise awareness about:

  • Tobacco is linked to heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases (CVD), including stroke, which is the leading cause of death in the world.
  • Possible actions and measures that key stakeholders, including governments and the public, can take to reduce the cardiovascular health risks posed by tobacco.

World No Tobacco Day or Anti-Tobacco Day: History

In 1987, member states of the World Health Organization (WHO) established World No Tobacco Day to draw global attention to the tobacco epidemic and the deaths and illnesses that can result. prevent what it causes.

On May 15, 1987, the World Health Assembly passed a resolution calling for April 7, 1988 to be declared “World No Smoking Day”. This date was chosen because it is the 40th anniversary of the founding of the World Health Organization.

Furthermore, in 1988, another resolution was passed to celebrate World No Tobacco Day every year on May 31.

The day also focuses on the impact of tobacco on people’s heart health. It may be a risk factor for coronary heart disease, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease. Additionally, this day will provide knowledge to people that tobacco is one of the leading causes of cardiovascular disease (CVD).

World Health Day: Theme, Slogans, History and Key Events

How does chewing tobacco affect health?

  • Chewing tobacco has short-term or long-term health effects.
  • It can cause ulcers, tooth stains, cavities, tooth decay, tooth loss, etc. and affect health in the short term.
  • It also causes bad breath, ulcers in the mouth and even makes it difficult for the patient to eat and drink.
  • Sometimes it can cause the tongue to become dull and hence the person will not be able to taste food.
  • Smoking causes dizziness in people, thus causing a feeling of fatigue.
  • If a person continuously chews tobacco then short-term illness can lead to long-term illness and cause serious health problems such as cancer, lung disease, heart disease, stroke, etc.
  • Chewing tobacco can cause oral cancer or pre-cancer.
  • It can cause leukoplakia, which is white patches inside the mouth that can become cancerous.

The truth about tobacco

  • Did you know that tobacco is a product made from fresh leaves of the nicotiana plant?
  • It originated in America but was introduced to the French court by Jean Nicot in the 16th century and spread throughout Europe.
  • It soon became popular and an important commercial crop.
  • In the 1900s, several medical studies clearly demonstrated that tobacco increases health problems such as heart attacks, strokes, cancer, etc.
  • People use tobacco in the form of cigarettes, cigars, bidis, chewing tobacco, snuff, gutkha…

Life is a precious gift of nature; we should cherish life and should not waste it by doing pointless and pointless things. Cigarettes may make you happy for a while or bring joy for a while but a healthy person without those habits can have a good, happy life and can go far in life. life.

“Health is like money. You will never know its value until you lose it.” by Josh Billings.

Source: WHO

Important dates in May 2023

Categories: Optical Illusion

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