World Homeopathy Day 2023: Learn About Theme, History, Significance and Key Facts

World Homeopathy Day 2023: It is celebrated on April 10 every year worldwide to highlight the importance of the field of medicine, and the day is also celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.

Homeopathic medicines are safe to use because they rarely cause side effects. It is based on the principle of ‘like cures like’. That means that using a substance in small amounts will cure the same symptoms it causes if used in large amounts. Homeopathy is of Greek origin hometown, meaning similar, and pathos, meaning suffering or illness.

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History of homeopathy

Homeopathy does not use drugs or surgery. It is based on the belief that each person is an individual, has different symptoms and needs to be treated accordingly. Homeopathy first became famous in the 19th century after the extensive pioneering work of German physician and chemist Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843). But its origins date back to the 5th century BC, when the ‘father of medicine Hippocrates’ introduced homeopathic remedies into his medicine cabinet.

It is said that it was Hippocrates who understood this disease and how it affects our bodies, not his methods of treatment, that made his discoveries known for homeopathy. He believes that understanding each individual’s symptoms, how they respond to illness, and their ability to heal is important in diagnosing and treating disease. This personal understanding became the foundation of homeopathy today. Let us tell you that after Hippocrates, homeopathy was largely forgotten until Hahnemann re-invented it in the late 18th century. By that time diseases were widespread and medical treatments were The economy is becoming increasingly violent and invasive.

Hahnemann found clinical medicine completely unacceptable. He worked hard in the fields of medicine and chemistry, and opposed the poor hygiene that accelerated the spread of disease. He opposed brutal medical treatments and the use of powerful drugs that caused terrible side effects. But disillusionment eventually led him to abandon his medical career to work as a translator. While translating Scottish physician Dr. William Cullen’s “Treatise on Materia Medica,” Hahnemann discovered something in the medical field that made him the true founder of Homeopathy.

Because of quinine’s astringent properties, Cullen says it is an effective treatment for malaria. Hahnemann also knew about it because it helped fight malaria, but he was skeptical about its astringent properties. He did some research and made some investigations. He administered quinine to himself for several days and recorded his reaction. He was surprised when one by one, he developed symptoms of malaria but he did not have it. Each time he took a dose of quinine and the symptoms returned.

On the other hand, he noticed that when he did not take medication, his symptoms disappeared. He later believed that it was quinine’s ability to induce the symptoms of malaria that made it such an effective treatment. To illustrate his theory, he conducted a number of so-called “proof” tests on a number of volunteers and recorded each person’s reaction. He repeated the same experiments with others and with common drugs like arsenic etc. He also noted like Hippocrates had discovered that the symptoms and healing reactions depended on the individual.

He called the symptoms commonly seen in test subjects primary or primary symptoms. Less common symptoms are called secondary symptoms and very rare symptoms are called tertiary symptoms.

From symptoms and tests, he built a drug picture for each substance he tested. Hahnemann’s next stage is to build a “symptom picture” of each patient before prescribing treatment. He further discovered that the more a patient’s symptoms like and disliked, and what made them better or worse, the more accurately he would be able to prescribe the appropriate treatment. This medicinal image by Hahnemann is used today to prescribe the best homeopathic treatments.

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World Homeopathy Day in India

World Homeopathy Day (WHD) is celebrated on April 10 and this day has become a special day for the homeopathic profession as it is celebrated under the auspices of the Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India over the past few years in New Delhi.

World Homeopathy Day 2023 is being celebrated with the theme ‘One Health One Family’.

The theme of this 2022 scientific conference is ‘Homoeopathy: Everyone’s Choice for Health’.

The 2020 theme is “Advancing the scope of homeopathy in public health”

Why is World Homeopathy Day celebrated?

It is organized to raise awareness about homeopathy and improve access to homeopathy. It is important to understand the future strategies needed to develop homeopathy on a larger scale and its challenges. It is necessary to focus on the quality of education, improving the success rate of an average student.

So, homeopathy is a medical system that believes that the body can cure itself. People who practice homeopathy use small amounts of natural substances, such as plants and minerals. They believe these stimulate the healing process. World Homeopathy Day is celebrated on April 10 to raise awareness about homeopathy. In addition, this day commemorates the birthday of Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy.

The goal of World Homeopathy Day is to increase public awareness of homeopathy by bringing together practitioners, enthusiasts and advocates from around the world. It allows us to focus on quality education, improving the success rate of the typical homeopathic practitioner, so homeopathy can be the preferred treatment option in every household. family.

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