Odd number: Only 2 out of 10 people can find the strange shopping bag in 11 seconds. Try your skills!

A paper bag reinforced with rope and given a handle by Minnesota merchant Walter H. Deubner so consumers could purchase more items at once. He then patented the idea and began selling them for 5 cents. Well, going back to the odd one out puzzle, your task is to find the odd shopping bag hidden in the picture.

Where are the exotic shopping bags in the collection?Source: Brightside.com

In contrast to the image above, your need is to use your common sense and common sense to finish this task, focusing on all the clues.

What is a strange puzzle?

The single-hitting exercise is popularly known as Knock Out in the US. It evaluates a person’s general ability to understand and observe. And to think creatively, one needs to be imaginative, rational, and have a unique perspective.

In case you’re confused, get a hint with this previously solved weird sunglasses quiz.

Introducing this Odd One Out puzzle picture

This photo was taken from Brightside.com and credited further to Depositphotos. It shows unevenly divided images of colorful shopping bags. Now, to find the strange shopping bag, let’s divide the image into parts. Go through every row and column without missing a beat to get all the clues.

And to find the oddity, focus on special details like color, shape, type, classification, pattern, and anything else that comes to mind.

Strange puzzle: You and your friends need hawk eyes to find the strange sun in 5 seconds. Try your skills!

Remember that you only have 11 seconds to finish this mental exercise.




Find brain teaser answers here:

Exotic shopping in the collection is hereSource: Brightside.com

Look at what’s surrounded, it’s a special bag for Christmas.

You are a genius. Don’t forget to bookmark Jagran Josh to enjoy more head-scratching mind workouts.

The strange thing is that my Sister has an evil eye charm but one of them is defective. Can you find the strange pendant in 9 seconds?

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: pagasa.edu.vn

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