What is Tourette syndrome? Lewis Capaldi shares firsthand about his experience

What is Tourette Syndrome? Lewis Capaldi Shared About His Experience Live

Lewis Capaldi opened up about his Tourette Syndrome when the video went viral as fans finished the chorus of one of his songs. As “Beautiful” and “truly heartwarming” rang out amid cheers, the artist’s shoulders began to twitch during his live performance in Germany.

He regained control without letting his struggle with Tourette’s syndrome stop him from performing. His video of overcoming tics on stage is being shared on social media after his live performance in Germany and apparently it has gone viral!

The Scottish musician shared about his diagnosis in late September.

According to surveys, more than 200,000 people, including singer Billie Eilish, report having a chronic disease each year in the US.

Capaldi expressed that he finally understood why he frequently had involuntary seizures, and that he noticed his tics during Instagram live interviews in early 2018.


– v (@VirusMatelz)
February 23, 2023

Let’s learn more about Tourette Syndrome here and know its symptoms, causes, etc!

What is Tourette syndrome?

  • The neurological disorder Tourette syndrome (TS) is a disorder that affects the brain and nerves.
  • It causes a person to make sudden movements or sounds called tics that cannot be controlled.
  • Tics are involuntary, so you cannot control or stop them.
  • Motor tics involve body movements, like shoulder shrugging. Vocal tics related to the voice, like throat clearing. Motor tics tend to develop before vocal tics.
  • Tourette syndrome, or Tourette’s, usually develops in childhood and usually remits as you reach adulthood.
  • This is the most serious type of tic disorder.

Tourette syndrome: Symptoms and causes

  • Although the exact cause of Tourette syndrome is unknown, studies show that the condition tends to run in families. Genes probably play a role in this.
  • If there is a problem with the way the brain metabolizes (damaged) neurotransmitters, it can also contribute to this syndrome.
  • Neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, are chemicals responsible for regulating behavior and movement.

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Examples of tics include:

  • Arm twitching.
  • Bend at the waist.
  • Blink.
  • Head jerking or twisting.
  • Dance.
  • Jaw movement.
  • Facial expressions are distorted or distorted.

Examples of tics include:

  • Bark.
  • Grumble.
  • Screaming.
  • Smell.
  • Clearing the throat.

Does tourette ever occur with other health conditions?

Most people with Tourette’s have other health conditions. These are often mental or behavioral health disorders, including:

  • Anxiety disorders.
  • Attention hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
  • Autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
  • Depression.
  • Learning disabilities.
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
  • Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).

How is Tourette syndrome diagnosed?

  • Health care providers diagnose tics disorder, and for this condition, tics must begin before age 18.
  • To diagnose a person with Tourette’s, the person must experience both motor and vocal myoclonus for more than a year.
  • There are no blood tests or imaging exams, but your healthcare provider will carefully review your medical history and symptoms. They may ask detailed questions about your tics.

Tourette syndrome: Prevention and treatment

If the seizures are mild and do not affect daily activities, treatment may not be needed. However, severe myoclonus can make it difficult to function at work, school, or in social situations. Some tics even lead to self-injury. In these cases, medication or behavioral therapy may be helpful.

Tourette syndrome cannot be prevented. However, early detection and treatment can prevent the condition from getting worse or persisting into adulthood.

Note: This information is for educational purposes only, healthcare professionals should be contacted for diagnosis.

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Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: pagasa.edu.vn

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