What is the difference between reflex action and walking?

What Is The Difference Between Reflex Action And Walking

When you walk, do you ever think about how your feet are moving? But it’s important to recognize the difference between reflex action and walking if you want to improve your understanding of how the human body and brain work.

A reflex action is a type of involuntary movement that can be performed quickly without thought, usually in response to stimuli.

Walking is a form of voluntary action that involves coordinated movements between your upper and lower body. When you walk, your knees, hips, and spine move as one unit while your feet perform rhythmic movements.

To explain better, let’s understand what reflex action is.

Normally, when a sense organ or receptor is activated by a *stimulus, it sends a signal to the brain, which then plans a response to the trigger and sends it to the effector. dynamic. However, there are situations where a faster response is needed and this is when the spinal cord needs to be addressed.

This type of quick reaction is called reflex action. Not the brain but only the spinal cord participates in reflex activities that occur quickly and automatically. For example, the pupils of your eyes change according to the amount of light. This action does not involve the brain but the spinal cord.


Source: Wikipedia

In biology, a stimulus is defined as an event or any change in the external environment that causes an organ or tissue to have a certain functional response.

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Here are the most prominent differences between reflex action and walking:



It is an involuntary act.

It is a voluntary act,

The peripheral nervous system and spinal cord are responsible.

The central nervous system, i.e. the brain is responsible.

Occurs as a response to a stimulus.

No stimulation is required to take place.

We cannot control it.

We can control it.

Doesn’t involve thinking.

Ask for thought.

For example, squinting or closing your eyes when looking at a bright object.


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In short, reflex action is a type of involuntary action that takes place quickly with the help of the spinal cord, while walking is a voluntary action that takes place with the help of the brain. In reflex action, there is no thought process involved, on the other hand, in walking there is a thought process, albeit subconscious.

We hope that this article was helpful in understanding the difference between reflex action and walking.

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Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: pagasa.edu.vn

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