What is the difference between plants and trees?

What Is The Difference Between Plants And Trees?

If we gather all the living creatures in the world, we can divide them into 5 major kingdoms.

1. Monera

2. Mushrooms

3. Guardian

4. Animals

5. Botanical plants

Of these five kingdoms, the Animalia and Plantae kingdoms are probably the most important. The former includes all animals and the latter includes all plants.

Kingdom Plantae consists mainly of trees, herbs, shrubs, mosses, vines, bushes and many other species.

However, despite the obvious differences, there is still confusion about plants and trees.

So, let’s understand the difference between plants and trees.

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Difference between plants and trees

Trees and plants are similar in one respect, they both have a vascular structure with roots, stems and leaves transporting food and water throughout them.

  • The tree typically has a long, stiff stem with few leaves or branches on the lower half, compared to many flimsy or woody stems.
  • The basic shape of a tree ranges from sprawling and curved to towering and pyramidal. They vary in size, from small trees that can only reach 10 feet in height or look like shrubs to huge giants like the Coniferous Coast redwoods. Plants, on the other hand, are significantly shorter in height than trees and are found closer to the ground. These include grass, moss, herbs, shrubs, vines and climbers.
  • Trees have thicker and sturdier stems, called stems, whereas plants have softer and more fragile stems, often with more than one stem and even pseudostems.

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  • All plants are autotrophs, i.e. they produce complex organic substances using carbon, and all plants are either autotrophs or heterotrophs (organisms that eat plants for energy and food).
  • While trees have a longer lifespan and can withstand extreme climate changes, plants have a shorter lifespan and changes in temperature or weather affect their survival and growth. .
  • Plants are mostly perennials, that is, they continue to live for several years. On the other hand, plants are considered biennials or annuals, meaning they complete their life cycle in two growing seasons.

FACT: Trees are the oldest living organisms on Earth. The oldest known non-cloning living organism on Earth is believed to be Methuselah, a 5000-year-old hard cone pine in the California Mountains.

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Comparison chart- Tree vs Tree





The stem or false stem is fragile and woody.

The tree trunk is strong and thick, also known as the trunk.


Different in size. Some are as small as grass, others can be as tall as vines or shrubs.

The height is significantly higher than the average tree. Can even grow up to 300 feet tall.


Autotrophic or heterotrophic


Average life expectancy

Can live up to 2 to 100 years

Can live more than 100 years.

We hope that this article was helpful in understanding the difference between trees and plants.

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Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: pagasa.edu.vn

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