Search and Find: Can you find the strange ball in this image within 9 seconds?

Search Puzzle: The basic idea behind a “search” puzzle is to find a hidden object or object in an image. In this activity, users should search for objects or objects in a photo within a certain period of time.

It’s one of the best ways to test your observation skills. This activity is great because it can be done individually or in groups.

Individually, it provides an opportunity to understand their level of observational skills, and in groups, it can help determine who has the best observational skills in the group.

Do you want to test your observation skills?

Then try this quick challenge now.

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Find and Find – Find the odd ball in 9 seconds


Source: Bright Side

The image shared above shows a lot of balls. If you stare at it for a while, you can feel the image rotating.

The challenge for you is to find the strange ball among the balls in this image and you have 9 seconds to do it.

This challenge will test your observation and situational awareness skills.

Those with keen eyesight will be able to determine the location of the odd ball within a limited time.

The best way to solve this challenge is to observe the image closely and try to find the oddly shaped ball.

Did you spot the ball?

Look closer; The ball could be right in front of your eyes.

Hurry up; Time is running out.

How many of you have discovered the ball?

Only a few seconds left.

Need a suggestion?

Here it is.

The ball is not on the right side of the image.

Now, you can search again and try to locate the odd ball in the last few seconds.

How many of you found the ball?

Those who found the strange ball had excellent situational awareness and keen observation skills.

However, some of you may be looking for the ball in the photo.

You can stop searching now.

Curious to find the location of the odd ball?

It’s time to reveal the answer.

Read below.

You’re a genius if you can spot the hummingbird in this optical illusion in 15 seconds

Find the odd ball in 9 seconds – Solution

The odd ball can be seen in the fifth row from the top. We have marked the ball with a blue circle.


Categories: Optical Illusion

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