EXPLAIN: What is an advocate’s professional ethics?

Ethics of an advocate!

When we talk about professional ethics in the field of law, we are concerned with the codes of ethics concerning the conduct of individuals who practice law and all those engaged in the legal field. Every member of the legal profession has the ultimate duty to the courts, along with the duty to administer justice. In situations where a conflict of duties may arise, it is this duty to administer justice that will prevail over the others.

It is important that law practitioners act with integrity, provide appropriate support to the courts, and encourage public confidence in the legal system. Individuals in this field must perform their duties and treat other individuals in the legal profession with integrity and courtesy. In addition to being professionals, advocates are considered to be court officers and therefore play an important role in administering justice.

How is an individual’s professional behavior in the legal field determined? Well, the professional code that law practitioners expect comes from the obligations they have to their clients, their opponents, and the courts.

In Chapter II, Section VI of the Rules of the Bar Council of India, provisions on the professional standards of defense counsels have been explicitly mentioned. These rules are covered in Chapter I, Section VI of the Rules of the Bar Council of India. Under section 49(1)(c) of the Advocacy Act of 1961, these rules were made available.

Obligations of the defense in court- Know the rules

Principles of defense for defense counsels in court are as follows:

  • Please act properly
  • Respect the court
  • No private communication with the judge
  • Refusing to act illegally against the opposition
  • Show up with the right outfit
  • Refusing to represent clients and insisting on unfair practices
  • Does not represent the organization of which he is a member
  • Do not stand out to guarantee customers
  • Does not appear in matters of monetary gain

Obligations of lawyers towards clients

The client places considerable trust and confidence in the advocates, and therefore the advocates have a substantial obligation to the client.

These include the following:

  • Avoid withdrawing from service.
  • Information is completely transparent to customers.
  • Do not conceal any physical evidence.
  • Refusal to deny any interest in a claim may be sued.
  • Keep the appropriate account.
  • Supporters were forced to accept the abstract.
  • Refuse to appear in matters where the defense may be a witness.
  • Preserve the interests of customers.
  • Avoid disclosing any data about yourself and your customers.
  • No charge on the basis of problem success.

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Obligations of defense counsel towards defense counsel

Yes, you read it right. Advocates also have some obligations to opposing attorneys. The first duty that they are forced to perform for the opponent’s lawyer is to fulfill their legitimate promises. The second most important duty of the defense counsel to the opposing counsel is not to directly negotiate or discuss the opposing matter regarding any matter of the case.

Other obligations of a lawyer

In addition to the tasks mentioned above, lawyers also have other duties to perform. These include not advertising the work, maintaining the appropriate size of nameplates and signs, obtaining the consent of vakalat advocates in the case, and discouraging illegal law practice.

Carried away

A code of conduct designed for advocates allows for very fine social control. Such ethics not only ensures the smooth administration of the judiciary, but also prevents government interference in affairs through its agencies. Furthermore, such codes of ethics are also essential in establishing higher standards of conduct.

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Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: pagasa.edu.vn

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