Personality test: Sleeping position reveals these personality traits

Sleep position personality test: Psychologists and sleep experts around the world have conducted several studies to establish a link between our sleeping position and personality. Our subconscious is a powerful machine that influences how we function throughout the day, how we walk, what kind of coffee we order, how we sleep, etc. Even though we often don’t pay attention to how we I sleep curled up in bed in my favorite clothes. sleeping position. However, much of Dunkell’s pioneering work on the link between sleeping position and personality traits. “The way we sleep is the way we live,” writes sleep researcher Samuel Dunkell in his book Sleeping Positions.

Sleep science is instrumental in proving that sleep indicates your personality traits that can be classified as neuroticism, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and openness. European Personality Magazine claims that the quality of sleep you get this week will likely affect your personality five years from now.

Join us to find out what your sleeping position reveals about your personality.

What does your sleeping position say about you?

Personality test: Sleeping position

Ready? Read below to find out what your sleeping position says about you.

Sleeping position: Lie on your back

Personality test: Sleep on your back

If you sleep on your back, your sleeping personality shows that you like to be the center of attention. You are an optimistic individual and enjoy the company of like-minded people. You are often found to have a strong and bold presence in a room full of people. You do not engage in small talk or things that are not up to your standards or that are not supported by you. You have really high expectations from yourself as well as others.

People are more likely to hear the truth from you than sugar-coated lies. You work extremely meticulously and persistently to achieve your goals. You live an organized life with a success-oriented mindset. You enjoy your ‘me time’ a lot when you lie in bed and visualize your plans coming true.

An independent person can adopt the royal position of sleeping on his back. People who sleep on their backs show royal inclinations as ‘queen’ or ‘king’ of day and night. They exude confidence, acceptance of the world, and freedom. They are considered to be open-minded and seek experiences or sensations compared to other sleep types.

According to sleep researcher Chris Idzikowsk, sleeping on your back is classified into soldier position and starfish position.

If a person sleeps in the soldier position with straight legs and arms then they are usually reserved and quiet but have high standards.

If a person sleeps in the starfish position with their arms and legs spread out, they are good listeners, value friendship, and do not like to be the center of attention. They are the ‘go with the flow’ type of people. They are very sympathetic and supportive. They are mostly found listening to someone to share their troubles.

If a person sleeps in the star gazing position with both hands under their head or pillow, they are very optimistic people and very loyal to relatives, friends and family. They are carefree and go through life with a happy-go-lucky attitude.

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Sleeping position: Lie on your side

Personality test: Sleeping on your side

If you sleep on your side, then your sleeping personality shows that you are the type of person who is calm, trustworthy, approachable, active, adventurous and sociable. You always look forward. You don’t regret the past. You are not afraid of the future. You are highly adaptable regardless of changes or situations. You always look for the bright spot in everything. You are very aware of yourself, your good and bad sides, so it is not easy to offend you. You always have a smile on your face even when things are difficult.

People who sleep on their sides with their arms outstretched often crave a close relationship or connection with someone but deep down they also fear they won’t get it. They have a fairly reasonable approach to life. They also tend to be complex people because they show openness to new experiences but at the same time are very suspicious of others. They are not quick to accept or change their opinions about others. They are often slow to make decisions but once they do, they will stick to their own decisions and thoughts.

People who sleep on their side with a pillow hugged or tucked between their legs are said to be extremely helpful and value relationships over other aspects of life. As much as you crave a pillow to hug while you sleep, you long for a deep connection with those close to you, your partner or family members. You are more likely to hug your lover or wrap your legs or arms around them when sleeping with them. You are also very indulgent and caring.

According to sleep researcher Chris Idzikowsk in his research, people who sleep on their sides in the log position with both legs and arms spread out are gullible and open to life experiences. They can get along with most people, including strangers. They have an overly trusting nature.

People who sleep on their sides with their knees pulled up over their stomachs and an arm under the pillow or cheek are said to be natural thinkers. You are in tune with your emotions, whether negative or positive. You embrace them and act accordingly. You appear rude and cold on the outside, but on the inside you are an emotional person. You can also become a good partner or friend.

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Sleeping position: Fetal

Personality test: Sleeping in the fetal position

If you sleep in the fetal position, your sleeping personality shows that you are looking for protection, longing to be understood and cared for by others. The fetal sleeping position is similar to curling up like a baby. Sleeping in the fetal position helps you disconnect from worldly matters. You are a cautious person and do not open up easily. You have difficulty trusting people. They have a tough exterior but are quite emotional on the inside.

If a person sleeps in the fetal position, they will feel most comfortable around family members or people who played an important role in their upbringing. They are shy, sensitive, innocent and forgiving with a clear conscience. They like to do things that don’t require them to be around too many people. They mainly do painting, drawing, writing, dancing, etc., where they can find ways to express themselves.

The fetal sleeping position was first hypothesized by sleep researcher Samuel Dunkell in the 1970s. He observed that people who sleep in the fetal position are more emotional and anxious. They are often reserved and do not like to enjoy life on the go. During the study, people who slept in the full fetal position expressed feelings of abandonment in their waking lives. Sleep researcher Chris Idzikowsk has also observed that people who sleep in the fetal position tend to be shy around new people or new environments but if they are around the right people, they can relax. dilate quickly.

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Sleeping position: Lie on your stomach

Personality test: Sleep on your stomach

If you sleep on your stomach, your sleeping personality shows that you are strong-willed, adventurous, high-spirited, and capable of solving problems. You are considered effective in leading or providing guidance to others. You especially like to get 8 hours of sleep if not more to stay energized and recharged.

You are a gregarious person, sometimes appearing cold or rude. You always avoid confrontation. You will try to find the middle ground on any aspect. You are a sociable person and like to be loved. You have a warm, friendly feeling when you are at your best. However, handling criticism is not your best trait as you are the worst self-critic, so hearing it from others makes you uncomfortable.

According to sleep researcher Dunkell, people who sleep on their stomachs tend to be impulsive, impulsive, anxious and rigid. They are said to lack confidence or inhibit insecurity about themselves. Studies have shown that if a person sleeps on their stomach, they are most likely in a management, banking or accounting job.

If a person sleeps on their stomach with their arms on or around the pillow and their head turned to one side (left or right), this stomach sleeping position can be further classified as a freefall or skydiving position. They have a playful, free-spirited personality and are always ready for adventure. They don’t mince words and therefore, at times, can appear almost rude, especially when criticized or taken to extremes. According to sleep researcher Chris Idzikowsk, free sleepers are considered highly social people.

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Are you interested in discovering your sleep personality types?

It should be noted that no one sleeps in the same position throughout their life. As we develop throughout our lives, our subconscious absorbs new traits or sheds old habits. We grow as individuals, we learn new things about ourselves and we change our minds, so a person may also find themselves sleeping in two or more sleeping positions. They may reflect that you embody the characteristics of different sleeping personality types. Stay tuned for more such personality tests.

Tell us in the comments: What is your sleeping position?

Personality test Sleeping position

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