Math riddles with answers: Math riddles never disappoint! Try these fun math puzzles!

Math riddles with answers!

Math is a great way to give your brain a little exercise. Yes, we agree that this topic may have bothered you a lot during school, but it should not be a topic that haunts you; there is pressure to deal with it well. That’s when you need to change the way you look at the problem.

Today, we offer some math puzzles that can change your perception of this subject.

But before we begin, let’s answer a simple question:

Why are there math puzzles?

Every subject that a child learns in school is actually nothing but a whole new world. History takes us to the past and helps us know how we as humans have evolved, while polity helps us realize how government works in today’s context. Biology helps us better understand the living world, and makes us aware of the creatures with which we share the planet, while physics helps us better understand the physical world, its its rules and regulations and how things work the way they do. Economics is also an important field of study because it helps us better understand money and how countries manage their finances. While all of these subjects are important, chemistry is equally important because it helps students understand components and reactions, while also giving students the freedom to have fun and experiment safely in the laboratory. Psychology is also an interesting field because it helps one understand people; the human mind and human behavior in an easily digestible form. Don’t miss out, literature is also a whole new world where students go deep into the story and move from one emotion to another. It also helps students be creative and helps them understand life better. Furthermore, literature, to some extent, also contributes to forming students’ personalities.

While there are so many topics to talk about, why do we only focus on math and math puzzles? The reason is simple, mathematics dictates the problem. Problems help us learn and grow better. They make us fall many times but also give us the strength to stand up after each fall. That’s why, math is one of our favorite subjects and we bring math quizzes to our readers because they never become boring.

Now that you know why we emphasized this topic, you’re ready for some fun math puzzles.

Here it is!

Math riddles with answers:

Math puzzle 1:

Just use the plus sign (+) in 88888888 to get an answer of 1,000.

Math puzzle 2:

Adams added six to eleven. He got the answer five and the answer was correct. How is it possible?

Math puzzle 3:

How many 9s are there between 1 and 100?

Ready for the answer?


Math puzzle 1:

Just use the plus sign (+) in 88888888 to get an answer of 1,000.


888 + 88 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 1,000.

Math puzzle 2:

Adams added six to eleven. He got the answer five and the answer was correct. How is it possible?


This keeps on a watch.

Math puzzle 3:

How many 9s are there between 1 and 100?

Answer 3:


Categories: Optical Illusion

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