Brain teasers: These brain teasers are enough to turn your ordinary day into an interesting one.

Having a dull day? Try these fun brain teasers and thank us later.

Brain teasers for you!

Brain teasers for you!

Who said having fun means going to parties and expensive cafes? Pleasure can also mean lying on your comfiest couch after a long day at work and enjoying some entertainment. Well, we’re talking about some interesting conundrums. Try them today and enjoy 5 minutes of relaxation.

Brain puzzle 1:

I melt instantly in warm water, but I’m as hard as a rock. Who I am?

Intellectual puzzle 2:

When I was younger, I was taller. Now I’m old, my height is short. Who I am?

Brain puzzle 3:

Two words when combined to form a compound word will contain the most letters. What are these words?


Brain puzzle 1:

I melt instantly in warm water, but I’m as hard as a rock. Who I am?

Answer 1:


Brain Teaser 2: When I was younger, I was taller. Now I’m old, my height is short. Who I am?

Answer 2:


Brain puzzle 3:

Two words when combined to form a compound word will contain the most letters. What are these words?

Answer 3:

Post office

Categories: Optical Illusion

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