Artificial retina: Application, cognitive activation and encoding of mid-infrared radiation

A collaborative research effort between Singapore and China has resulted in a breakthrough development: an artificial retina device capable of detecting and encoding mid-infrared radiation. Inspired by the complex structure of the human retina, this innovation has enormous potential for diverse applications, including medical diagnostics, autonomous driving, and advanced night vision systems.

The artificial retina is constructed as a compact two-dimensional (2D) heterostructure composed of Boron Arsenide (b-AsP) and molybdenum Diselenide (MoTe2). The b-AsP layer acts as an absorber, selectively capturing mid-infrared radiation, while the MoTe2 layer generates the corresponding electrical signals. These electrical signals are then effectively encoded into a series of spikes, facilitating subsequent decoding by the neural network to form a coherent image.

Application of artificial retina, allowing recognition and encoding of mid-infrared radiation

Compared with conventional mid-infrared sensors, the artificial retina has several advantages. Notably, its compact size and high performance make it the ideal solution for applications with strict space and power constraints. Furthermore, its ability to detect objects beyond the range of human perception makes it invaluable in countless situations. Additionally, the device demonstrates the ability to adapt to fluctuations in light intensity, an indispensable attribute for applications such as autonomous driving.

The successful development of artificial retinas represents a significant leap in imaging technology. Its potential to revolutionize various industries, including medical diagnostics, security, and manufacturing, is truly remarkable.

Artificial retina: Applications

  • Medical diagnostics: By detecting mid-infrared radiation, an artificial retina can aid in identifying diseases that emit that radiation, such as cancer and heart disease.
  • Automated driving: The enhanced perception of artificial retinas allows autonomous vehicles to detect pedestrians, cyclists, and other objects beyond human vision, significantly enhancing safety. full.
  • Enhanced night vision: The capabilities of artificial retinas offer the potential for night vision devices to outperform current models in both performance and efficiency.
  • Military defense: The ability of artificial retinas to detect and track targets that emit mid-infrared radiation, such as missiles and drones, has important implications for military defense applications.

Although still in its nascent stages of development, artificial retinas have enormous potential to reshape a wide range of industries. Further research and development efforts will certainly make this device a key tool for many applications.

Artificial retinas are considered a promising new technology with the potential to significantly improve the lives of millions of people. Through continuous research and development, this device can develop into an invaluable tool in many applications. Its potential impact spans multiple industries, including medical diagnostics, security, and manufacturing.

Categories: Optical Illusion

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