World Laboratory Animals Day 2023: Dates, History, Significance, Celebrations and More

Do You Know About World Lab Animal Day?

World Day for Laboratory Animals 2023: World Laboratory Animal Day is another name for World Day for Laboratory Animals, celebrated annually on April 24 globally . The purpose of this day is to draw attention to the suffering and killing of animals that take place in laboratories around the world. This day was established more than 40 years ago to advance the cause of the National Anti-Surgery Society (NAVS). Check out this article to know more about its history, meaning and goals, and more.

World Day for Laboratory Animals 2023: History

Since the second century BC, biomedical research has used animal testing. The development of insulin and anthrax in the 1800s and 1900s, respectively, are the earliest examples of animal testing in modern times.

Animal testing has been used in a variety of ways throughout the years in the beauty, medical, aviation and even military industries. Due to the high frequency of injury and death in animals, as well as a number of failed initiatives, the limitations of this approach have also become apparent.

In 1979, NAVS established World Laboratory Animal Day, celebrated on April 24, Lord Hugh Dowding’s birthday. According to the organization’s statement, the United Nations recognized this global day of remembrance, which is now celebrated annually by anti-vivisectionists around the world. The inaugural World Day for Laboratory Animals protest was held in the United States in 1980 and organized by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), founded by Ingrid Newkirk.

The National Anti-Vivisection Society (NAVS), the first anti-vivisection group in history, was founded in 1875. This London-based nonprofit protects animals. They want to replace animal testing with more advanced research methods.

World Laboratory Animal Day 2023: Significance

  • This is a global awareness effort to stop animal testing, enlighten those who may not be aware of the issue, and empower those who have advocated.
  • The purpose of World Laboratory Organisms Day is to raise awareness of the rights of these creatures, contribute to protecting those rights, inspire others to do the same, and perhaps save lives. Hundreds of animal species are currently threatened. placed in laboratories.
  • This day pushes us to give greater priority to goods that have not undergone any form of animal testing and do not cause any harm to animals during development or production.
  • This day is marked by protests and demonstrations by organizations opposing the use of animals in research. Protesters march through central London in April 2010 to demand an end to the use of animals in research. In 2012 and 2014, Birmingham and Nottingham both held similar marches.

Individuals can support this cause by making donations of any size to animal protection organizations, raising awareness about the day and its causes, and purchasing non-toxic goods.

Important dates in April 2023

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