What is the difference between bison and buffalo?

Difference Between Bison and Buffalo

Main attractions

  • It is most common in North America to be confused between bison and buffalo.
  • Their shoulder shape and horn length are the main differences. Another big difference is the presence of a hump.
  • True Buffalo is found in Asia and Africa while Bison lives in North America.

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It is not uncommon to be confused between bison and buffalo because both are large, horned, cow-like animals of the Bovidae family.

What adds to the confusion is that despite its misnomer, buffalo is still a common term used when referring to American bison in North America.

However, it is not difficult to distinguish between them. You can focus on the three H’s: house, hump and horn and problem solved! Now you are a Buffalo and Bison genius.

Before declaring that, however, let’s dig a little deeper and find out what makes these cow-like creatures so different.

What is bison?

The bison is a large wild animal that looks a lot like a cow, only with a larger head and hairy shoulders.

They can be seen roaming in North America. Although called buffalo in the United States and Canada, it is only distantly related to the true buffalo. They are called large cows in the genus Bison and in Greek “wild cows”.

What is buffalo?

The wild cattle suborder includes many different species of true buffalo, the Bubalina includes the African buffalo, the Anoa buffalo, and the wild water buffalo (including domesticated water buffalo variants).

They can be seen grazing or swimming. In waters of sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Southeast Asia. Domestic and wild populations have also been introduced to Europe, America and Australia. These bubalinans preserve a rich fossil record found in much of Eurasia, where their remains were discovered.

Are Bison and Buffalo the same?

No, because although sometimes called buffalo, bison are not members of the Bubalina but are instead placed in the subtribe Bovina.

Types of bison and buffalo


There are two types of bison:

1. American bison

This North American animal has two subspecies:

  • Plains (Bison bison): Found mainly on the American prairies.
  • Wood bison: Found in the boreal forests of Canada and Alaska.

2. European (Bison Bonasus)

The species became extinct in the wild, but was bred in captivity and reintroduced throughout Europe in the late 20th century.

and two buffalo forms:

1. Water buffalo:

  • Asian country (Bubalus arnee): Breed of domestic cattle, found mainly in India and considered endangered.
  • Bubalus bubalis: found in China and other parts of Asia.

2. Africa/Cape (Syncerus caffer): A large, dangerous creature found in Africa with wide, curved horns covering much of the top of its head.

Difference between buffalo and bison





2,200 to 2,500 lbs.

1,300 to 2,000 lbs.


15 to 20 years

15 to 25 years


Grasslands, steppes, forests

Forests, grasslands, swamps


American bison in North America.

African buffalo and water buffalo.


Big head and humped shoulders

The horns are larger and there is no shoulder hump


Heavy, sheds in warmer months


Speed ​​and type of movement

35 miles per hour

30 miles per hour



4ft – 4.5ft


– Poor eyesight due to nearsightedness

– Strong sense of smell can locate animals more than a mile away

– Excellent hearing

– Excellent sense of smell

– Very good eyesight

– Excellent hearing


– Large body size

– High speed

– Massive body

– Speed

Attack ability

– Step foot on something

– Stabbing with horns

– Can trample and step on other creatures

– Use horns to ram enemies


Europe, North America

Asia, Africa

In general, however, it is clear that bison and buffalo are very different and quite easy to tell apart when you consider their most noticeable differences.

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Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: pagasa.edu.vn

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