What is the air strike in Myanmar that killed 100 people?

The Myanmar Air Strike

On April 11, the Myanmar military launched an airstrike on one of the country’s villages, killing hundreds of people, including children. This is said to be the deadliest attack since the army took control.

According to the Kyunhla activist group present at the scene, at least 100 people were killed after the airstrike by Myanmar aircraft. military government.* The attack occurred in Pa Zi Gyi village in the central Sagaing region on Tuesday. According to the group, at least 30 children were killed and 50 injured during the strike.

CNN reported that more than 300 people gathered in the village early in the morning to celebrate the opening of the local government office, which coincided with the start of the Thingyan New Year celebration. Many families came from neighboring villages to gather. According to eyewitnesses who spoke to the said news agency, a government plane attacked the village where the ceremony was taking place shortly before 8 a.m. A few minutes later, an Mi35 helicopter hovered and fired at the village.

Myanmar’s military government confirmed a deadly airstrike on a village in the Sagaing region

Read @ANI Stories | https://t.co/If1O7AuAoY#Myanmar #MyanmarJunta #Sagaing pic.twitter.com/fANiz9lQ70

– ANI Digital (@ani_digital)
April 12, 2023

Why did the air strike take place?

Myanmar’s military took power on February 1, 2021 from newly elected President Win Myint. Many prominent political leaders were jailed, and Myint Swe, the military-appointed vice president, took over as president. He declared a year-long state of emergency nationwide and handed control of the executive, legislative and judicial branches to the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.

Since then, many ethnic groups and democracy activists have joined forces to form resistance groups against military rule. While the resistance force, known as the People’s Defense Forces, or PDFS, acquired weapons and resources to fight the army, the junta stepped up efforts to eliminate those who opposed them.

In March, the military government attacked a monastery and killed several monks and civilians.

On April 12, the military claimed responsibility for the airstrike, however, it denied killing civilians and claimed that those killed were armed terrorists.

The United Nations condemned the actions of the Myanmar military.

* A military junta is a government led by a group of military commanders.

According to Nyan Lynn Thit Analytica, an independent research group that documents human rights abuses in Myanmar, the military conducted airstrikes at least 25 times in the first three months of 2023 and 47 civilians were killed. network. ⁰⁰#What’s happening in Myanmar pic.twitter.com/hDX2gQgGF1

— Shoon Naing (@Shoon_Naing)
April 12, 2023

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: pagasa.edu.vn

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