The strongest storm of the year, Super Typhoon Mawar, 2023, is heading towards the Philippines. Know more.

Super Typhoon Mawar

The strongest storm of the year is moving towards the Philippines. Know more about super cyclone Mawar.

Super Cyclone Mawar

Super Cyclone Mawar

Super storm Mawar is as strong as a level 5 storm. After visiting Guam, super storm Mawar withdrew from the Mariana Islands.

Tropical cyclone winds were strongest so far in 2021. Guam had 28 inches of rain along with winds of more than 100 mph. In the past 20 years, Mawar was the strongest storm to strike near Guam.

Zooming in #Super CycloneMawar via Himiwari-9 infrared imaging. The eye wall replacement (ERC) cycle begun in eastern Guam is complete and #TyphoonMawar strengthened again to a symmetrical Type 5 #tropical storm revolves around a very large round eye.

May 25, 2023

The storm is so strong that it is equivalent to a Category 5 hurricane. It had winds of 185 mph on Thursday.

Winds are estimated to be stronger than any other tropical cyclone since Super Cyclone Chanthu in September 2021.

By Friday morning, the storm’s maximum winds had dropped to 165 mph.

Categories: Optical Illusion

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