The difference between ancient slavery and modern slavery

Differences between Ancient Slavery and Modern Slavery

The United Nations Convention for the Suppression of Trafficking in Persons and the Prostitution of Others was adopted by the General Assembly on 2 December, recognized as the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery.

This day is dedicated to ending modern-day slavery, including forced marriage, human trafficking, sexual exploitation, the worst forms of child labor and the forced recruitment of children for sexual exploitation. used in armed conflict.

According to the most recent estimates from the International Labor Organization (ILO), forced labor and forced marriage have increased significantly over the past five years. It is estimated that 50 million people worldwide will be subjected to modern slavery by 2021, 10 million more than the estimated number in 2016. Children and women continue to be disproportionately vulnerable. worthy.

But what is Modern Slavery and how is it different from Ancient Slavery?

The difference between ancient slavery and modern slavery

Slavery in ancient times

From the earliest known recorded evidence in Sumer to pre-medieval Mediterranean cultures, slavery in the ancient world included a combination of debt bondage, slavery as a form of punishment for criminals and the enslavement of prisoners of war.

Most slaves were forced to work in agriculture and industry due to the institution of slavery, and they had difficult lives. Slaves played an important role in the economies of many of these societies; in particular, the Roman Empire and some Greek extremities based much of their wealth on the conquest of slaves.

Ancient forms of slavery

In addition to manual labor, slaves performed many household tasks and could be employed in highly skilled jobs and occupations. Teachers, accountants and doctors are often slaves. Greek slaves, in particular, could be highly educated. Unskilled slaves, or those sentenced to slavery as punishment, worked on farms, mines, and factories.

Masters could free slaves, and in many cases such freedmen rose to hold positions of power. This would include children born into slavery but who were actually the children of the owner of the house. A slave owner would ensure that his children were not condemned to a life of slavery.


Chattel The most famous type of slavery is probably slavery, which refers to human ownership as property that can be bought, sold, given, and inherited. Those considered enslaved in this situation lacked both personal freedom and the legal right to make decisions about their own lives. Egypt held the ancient Hebrews as slaves for many years. Slavery was the main source of forced labor for agriculture, family support, and commodity production in ancient Greece and Rome. Slavery existed in Italy, Russia, France, Spain, and North Africa during the Middle Ages. People sold into slavery often belonged to a nation that had been conquered by another nation. People sold into slavery throughout history came from many countries, ethnicities, and races.

Bonded slavery

Bonded labor, also known as debt slavery and peonage, occurs when individuals sell their freedom as collateral for a loan or when they inherit a debt from a relative . It may be set up to look like an employment contract, but the job begins with a debt to be paid and the discovery that it cannot be done after working in often harsh conditions. Then their service becomes unbreakable.

Forced labor

Any employment relationship, especially in recent history, in which a person is employed against his or her will and is threatened with starvation, imprisonment, violence, including death or Other forms of extreme hardship on themselves or their family members are also considered forced labor. called unfree labor.


A person is forced or coerced into the flesh trade when they are owned by someone else. Prostitution, pornography, child sex rings, sex tourism, and jobs such as strip club dancing and modeling are all linked to this slavery.

Modern slavery

Institutional slavery that persists in modern society is called contemporary slavery, also known as modern slavery or neo-slavery. Depending on the method used to calculate the estimate and the definition of slavery being used, estimates of the number of slaves in existence today range from approximately 38 million to 46 million. There is disagreement about the exact number of slaves because there is no accepted definition of modern slavery, identifying slaves can be difficult, and reliable statistics are often not available.

Modern forms of slavery


Slavery, forced labor, and sex trafficking are all collectively referred to as “human trafficking,” “human trafficking,” and “modern slavery.” In addition, it is mainly divided into two groups:

Sex trafficking

As a result of force, threat of force, fraud, coercion, or any combination of these, an adult who engages in commercial sexual conduct such as prostitution is a victim of human trafficking . A person is engaging in adult sex trafficking if they engage in recruiting, harboring, grooming, transporting, providing, attracting, sponsoring, soliciting, or maintaining that person for the purpose of that destination.

Child sex trafficking

It is not necessary to prove the use of force, fraud or coercion when a child (under 18 years of age) was recruited, enticed, harbored, transported, provided, obtained, sponsored, solicited or maintained to perform commercial sexual acts. There are no exceptions to this rule; Neither cultural nor socioeconomic justifications change the fact that child exploitation related to prostitution constitutes human trafficking.

Forced labor

There are now more modern forms of forced labor, such as trafficked migrant workers, in addition to more traditional forms of forced labor such as bonded labor and debt bondage. These workers are used for all forms of economic exploitation in the global economy, including domestic work, the construction industry, the food and garment industries, the agricultural and commercial sectors. forced prostitution.

Child labor

One in ten children works worldwide. Much of the child labor that occurs today is done for financial gain. That goes against the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which recognizes “the right of children to be protected from economic exploitation and to be free from any work that may be dangerous or interfere with their education.” child, or is harmful to the child’s health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development.”

These types of slavery are the result of long-standing prejudice against the most vulnerable members of society, including those considered to be of low caste, small tribal groups and common people. native.

A number of international organizations and institutions have established legally binding protocols to support efforts to end forced labor globally.

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