Search and Find: Can you find the number 5 in this image within 5 seconds?

Find Number 5 in 5 Seconds

Search Puzzle: The basic concept behind a “find” puzzle involves finding a hidden object or object in an image. In this activity, users need to search for objects or objects in a photo within a certain period of time.

It’s one of the best ways to test and improve your observation skills. The great thing about this activity is that you can try it individually or in groups.

When tried individually, it gives you the opportunity to understand the level of your observation skills, and in groups, it can help determine who has the best observation skills in the group.

Want to test how good your observation skills are?

Then try this quick challenge now.

You’re a genius if you can spot the pig in this optical illusion photo within 13 seconds

Search – Find Number 5 In 5 Seconds


Source: YouTube

The image shared above contains the number plate 2 and hidden between the number 2 is the number 5 that you need to spot within 5 seconds.

The time limit is short as it is an easy challenge that the user can solve within the required time.

Additionally, this is a good way to test your observation skills.

The person who successfully finds number 5 within 5 seconds certainly possesses good observation skills.

The best way to solve this challenge is to observe the image carefully and find any numbers that look like 5.

Do you recognize number 5?

Look closer; number can be seen in the image.

This challenge is a great way to test your observation skills. The relatively shorter time limit makes things more difficult.

There are only a few seconds left so be quick.

Need a suggestion?

Here it is.

Number 5 is not on the right side of the image.

Now, have you found number 5?

The allotted 5 seconds have expired.

How many of you can find that number?

Number finders have excellent observation skills and situational awareness

Some of you may still be looking for number 5 in the image.

You can stop searching now.

Curious to know the answer?

We will provide the solution below.

Read on to find out.

Find Number 5 in 5 Seconds – Solve

The number 5 can be seen at the end of the fourth row of the image, its position is marked with a red circle.


Categories: Optical Illusion

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