Search and Find: Can you find the letter D within 7 seconds?

Find D in 7 Seconds

Search Puzzle: A search activity that involves finding a hidden item or object in an image. It is called “search” because the user needs to search for objects or objects in an image within a certain time.

It’s a good way to test and improve your observation skills. The best thing about this activity is that you can try it individually or in groups.

Want to test how good your observation skills are?

Then try this quick search challenge now.

Search and Find: Can you find the letter F within 7 seconds?

Find and Find – Find the letter D in 7 seconds


Source: Smart Brain

The image shared above shows a series of letters scattered across the page.

As the title suggests, you need to find the letter D in the sequence of letters within 7 seconds.

The best way to solve this challenge is to observe the image carefully and find any shapes that closely resemble the letter D.

The difficulty level of this challenge is very easy. An individual with good observation skills and situational awareness will be able to recognize the letter D with ease.

Do you recognize the letter D?

Look closely at the picture, the letter could be hidden anywhere.

The jumble of letters makes it difficult for beginners to find the intended letter within the time limit.

To complete this challenge successfully, you have 7 seconds. The time limit is less due to the relatively easy difficulty of the challenge and is a great way to see how good your observation skills are.

Hurry up; few seconds left.

Need a suggestion?

The letter D is not in the right half of the image.

We believe that it is now quite easy to recognize the letter D.

How many of you can recognize the letter?

Every now and then.

Curious to know the answer?

Continue reading more.

Before moving on to the answers, we appreciate all your efforts in taking on this challenge.

Even if some of you couldn’t find the letter within the deadline, you tried your best.

You can improve your observation skills by practicing regularly.

Now, let’s look at the solution.

Find the Letter D in 7 Seconds – Solution

The letter D can be found in the top left corner of the image and is surrounded by the letters T and L. It is marked with a red circle.


Categories: Optical Illusion

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