Search and Find: Can you find the 11 cats in the room in 11 seconds?

Seek and Find: Find 11 Cats in 11 seconds

Search and Find: “Search Challenge” is one of the most popular online quizzes used to test an individual’s observation skills and attention to detail.

In this activity, an image is displayed before the user that contains a hidden item. The hidden item can be any object, animal, number, alphabet, etc

The time limit to identify hidden items and complete challenges makes it competitive.

Regularly practicing this activity will be highly effective in improving observation and attention skills.

Sounds interesting, right?

Then try to find 11 cats in the room in 11 seconds.

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Search – Find 11 Cats In 11 Seconds


Source: Bright Side

In the image shared above, users are shown a photo of a room in which an elderly woman can be seen knitting while sitting on a sofa.

Your task is to identify 11 cats in the room within 11 seconds.

The goal of this search challenge is to test your attention to details and observation skills.

Only those with exceptional visual skills can solve the limited time challenge.

Cats are present right before your eyes. Look closely and you can see them.

You need excellent observation and situational awareness skills to spot all the cats.

Did you find the cats?

Hurry up; Time is running out.

Focus on the picture one last time to check if you can identify all the cats.

By now you should have detected half or more of the cats.


Every now and then.

Can you spot all the cats within the time limit?

Some users with excellent observation skills may have found the cats faster than others.

Those who can’t find the cat can stop looking now.

Are you curious to know where the cats are?

Then see the solution below.

Also read: Find errors: Only observant readers can find errors with luggage in 6 seconds!

Find 11 cats in 11 seconds – Solution

Cats can be seen scattered to the right and left of the painting. All locations are marked with red circles for easy identification.


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