Optical illusion IQ test: Only people with really sharp eyes can recognize 4 faces hidden among the flowers in 12 seconds!

Optical Illusion IQ Test: Spot 4 hidden faces in 12 seconds

Optical illusions: Optical illusions are optical phenomena that are both challenging and fascinating. These illusory puzzles are often puzzling representations or paintings of specific objects and/or animals. They are visual phenomena in which our brain perceives something different from reality.

They can confuse us into thinking things are not really there, or they can trick our eyes into seeing things that aren’t there.

The purpose of the optical illusion challenge is to try to find what is not there or is hiding in plain sight. And today we have a fun, exciting and challenging optical illusion for you.

Are you ready to have your mind blown?

Let’s begin.

Optical illusion IQ test: Detect 4 hidden faces in 12 seconds


Source: juniopuzzles.com

Take a look at the image above. You will see a beautiful bouquet of flowers. The flowers range in color from blue to pink to brown. Now, you might be thinking that there’s nothing else in this picture. You are wrong.

Besides the flowers, there’s something else hidden in this optical illusion painting.

Yes, you guessed right. There are hidden faces in this photo. To be more specific, there are 4 hidden faces here and your task is to find them all.

Although it is mentioned in the title, I want to remind you that you have to find the faces in 12 seconds or less.

Are you ready? Can you pass this test?

Well, let’s get you checked out.

Your time starts now.

Wishing you all the best! This is a fairly easy puzzle that can be solved in a few seconds. You don’t even need a hint to solve this problem. Just rely on your eyes and observation skills, you will find hidden faces.

Do you recognize the 4 hidden faces?

If not, please hurry up.

Time is limited and the countdown will begin soon.

Look closely at the picture and you will pass this test.


The clock is ticking.

And a.

Time’s up, everyone.

Can you spot the four faces hidden in this photorealistic photo in 12 seconds?

If you can solve this optical test then you have really sharp eyes. Scroll down to see the solution.

Optical illusion solution

You must recognize the 4 faces hidden in this optical illusion photo. If you can’t spot the hidden objects in this optical illusion then look no further, here is the solution.


Source: juniopuzzles.com

We hope you enjoy solving this optical illusion with us.

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Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: pagasa.edu.vn

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