Only the sharpest eyes can spot a tennis ball on the grass in 4 seconds!

Optical illusion: Illusion comes from the word illudere, which means to mock or deceive. Therefore, the basic premise of optical illusions is to trick the human brain by tricking it.

Optical illusions can be created by manipulating colors, shapes, and patterns to create images that appear different from reality. These illusions can be used for entertainment or as scientific research tools.

They are fascinating and provide insight into how our brains process visual information.

Optical illusions can also enhance your cognitive abilities and stimulate your brain to think creatively. They are a fun way to challenge your mind and improve your problem-solving skills.

Want to know how good your observation skills are?

Then try this challenge now.

Also read: Optical illusion: Can you spot a lemon among fruits in 7 seconds?

Optical illusion – Find the tennis ball in 4 seconds


Source: Reddit

The image shows a park scene in which grass is visible.

Hidden in plain sight on the grass is a tennis ball and you need to find it within 4 seconds.

These types of optical illusion challenges are a great way to test your observation skills and intelligence.

They are also a fun and engaging way to pass the time and improve your cognitive abilities.

Also Read: Optical Illusion: Only the Brightest Minds Can Spot a Moth Among the Baskets in 8 Seconds!

Can you find the tennis ball in 4 seconds?

The task of finding a tennis ball in the grass is a difficult one.

Only people with exceptional observation skills can determine the position of the tennis ball within a limited time.

The tennis ball camouflages itself in its surroundings, making it a somewhat difficult task for even the most experienced observers.

Can you find the tennis ball in this photo?

The rush; The clock is ticking.

Any luck?


Every now and then.

How many of you have found tennis balls?

We believe that most of our eagle-eyed users have already spotted the tennis ball. Congratulation all of you.

Those still looking can find the answer below.

Find the tennis ball in 4 seconds – Solution

The tennis ball can be noticed on the left side of the image, it is the same color as the grass and can be recognized by its round shape.


Must try: Search Quiz: Can you find a butterfly among the maple leaves in 6 seconds?

Categories: Optical Illusion

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