Only high IQ geniuses can solve these 17 tricky puzzles Can you?

This is the ultimate brain teaser challenge. These puzzles are a tried and true approach to improving your mood and giving your brain a much-needed break. They are also known to promote lateral thinking and problem solving when tackled on a regular basis.

So, are you ready to have fun while exercising your brain? You will be provided with 15 challenging puzzles of various types. To solve these puzzles will require you to implement different strategies. For example, you may need to use your observation skills to find a hidden item to solve a tricky question, and you may need to deploy your investigative skills to solve another puzzle .

So, are you ready? See how many of them you can solve.

Brain Teaser 1: Find the mistake in the 1950 photo


You can see a big family happily enjoying dinner together in this brain-stimulating picture puzzle. However, things are not what they seem. If you look closely at the photo, you’ll see that there’s quite a lot going wrong with it. Can you find them all?

See the solution here.

Brain Teaser 2: Find the hidden animal


There is a mysterious animal lurking in this brain puzzle. Can you find it? Test your observation and vision skills with this puzzle.

See the solution here.

Brain Teaser 3: Find the glove at the dinner party


In this picture puzzle, you can see an elaborately decorated table with delicious dishes. You can also see a group of people sitting around the table, chatting and enjoying dinner. The dinner party is going great, however, one of the ladies at the party is in a sour mood. Why? Ah, the proper lady has lost a glove. Can you find it for her?

See the solution here.

Brain puzzle 4:


You can see a little girl sunbathing at the beach. While she was relaxing in the pleasantly warm sunlight, someone stole her bracelet. The bracelet was quite expensive and the girl was devastated. There are seven suspects, and one of them is a thief. Can you detect the thief within the given time?

See the solution here.

Brain puzzle 5:


You can see a woman lying on the floor in the bathroom of a restaurant. There was blood all around her. Someone killed her. There are four customers and one waiter at the restaurant. There are five suspects in total, and one of them is the murderer. Can you detect the murderer within the given time?

See the solution here.

Brain Teaser 6: How many holes does a T-shirt have?


The image above is a torn t-shirt. What you have to do is find out how many holes are in the torn t-shirt within the time limit. This is a test of your logic and reasoning skills.

See the solution here.

Brain Teaser 7: Find the mistakes!


In this photo you can see two camels walking in the desert. The sun was shining quite brightly on them and there was sand around them. Now, you might think everything looks normal in this photo, but you’d be wrong. There’s a big mistake in this photo that not everyone can spot. Only people with high IQ can realize that. You can?

See the solution here.

Brain Teaser 8: Catch students cheating on exams.


There are several students and a teacher in the classroom. The students were taking their final exams, and all were sincerely sitting at their desks and thinking about their answers – all but one. One of the students is cheating on the exam and you have to find out who.

See the solution here.

Brain Teaser 9: Find the witch.


People in antique shops include women, men, and even children. They all wear old people’s clothes. Although the photo appears normal at first glance, there is something or someone sinister in the antique store. Your goal, as you might have guessed, is to spot the evil witch in the shop.

See the solution here.

Brain Teaser 10: Find 6 hidden words!


In the picture there are six kids (and a dog) playing basketball and 4 kids cheering for them from the sidelines. There are 6 words related to this sport scattered throughout the image. You have to spot them all in 24 seconds or less.

See the solution here.

Brain Teaser 11: Find the mistake!


This painting was created by ETW Dennis, a British printing and publishing company, between the 19th and 20th centuries. Spotting this brain-teasing mistake from the 20th century will make your brain ache. All you have to do is figure out what’s wrong with the photo within the time frame, and you’ll be successful.

See the solution here.

Brain Teaser 12: Find 2 cats


Source: Pinterest

In this conundrum, you can see a family of three playing in their living room. You can also see that while the daughter is playing with dolls on the floor, the father is reading the newspaper and the mother is sewing a piece of fabric. At first glance you would think that there are 3 people in the picture, not anyone else. However, in this brain puzzle there are also 2 cats. The test for you is to try to find the cats in this brain puzzle.

See the solution here.

Brain Teaser 13: What shoes don’t have pairs?


Source: Bright Side

Look at the picture puzzle given above. You can see seven pairs of shoes lying on the ground. Out of those seven pairs, one has no pairs. The purpose of this logic puzzle is to find out which shoes in the picture do not have a pair. Can you find it?

See the solution here.

Brain Teaser 14: Looking for the heart


Source: Bright Side

Enjoy this adorable illustration of a herd of adorable elephants in different colors like blue, pink, and purple. In this tricky puzzle, you have to find the heart hidden somewhere in the elephant herd. Oh, and a surprising twist! You only have 6 seconds to spot the hidden heart.

See the solution here.

Brain Teaser 15: Detecting chameleons


Source: Detormentis (YouTube)

The image above illustrates icons and symbols. There are several symbols and symbols in the image, and one of them is a chameleon. The chameleon is expertly camouflaged in the photo and you have to find it in 7 seconds.

See the solution here.

Brain Teaser 16: Who is the thief?


Source: 7 Second Quiz

Only an extremely intelligent person could spot an error in a street photo from the 1920s in 5 seconds!

If you look at the photo above, you will see a man lying in a hospital bed with three nurses taking care of him. A nurse in the ward stole a valuable item from a patient. Your job is to find out who.

See the solution here.

Brain Teaser 17: Find all 7 errors


Source: Bright Side

This brain-stimulating picture puzzle depicts a living room scene where you can see a man sleeping on the couch while a boy plays near the television. The photo looks fine at first, but upon closer inspection, you’ll see seven things wrong with it. You have 12 seconds to spot them all, so grab your phone and start the challenge.

See the solution here.

We hope you have fun solving these conundrums with us. Come back to see more of these puzzling puzzles.

See more | 15 complex optical illusions that confuse your brain

Categories: Optical Illusion

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