Math riddles with answers: Fun math riddles that will make you like this subject a little!

Math riddles with answers

Why do you think mathematics is hated globally?

First of all, this statement is not true. Math is a subject that can gain popularity. However, this subject is only loved by students who are born geniuses or have good math teachers or have loved the subject through daily practice.

However, not many people can confidently say that they never wished mathematics to disappear from the world. Although this desire is impossible to fulfill, due to the countable nature of tangible things, what can be achieved is to develop an interest in the subject.

Well, first of all, it’s a really difficult subject. Filled with numbers, symbols, formulas, theorems and rules, this subject has not just one but countless complex problems. Believe that you have now mastered a math concept and some math books will prove you wrong with a complex math question on the same concept. While some concepts are quite easy to understand, others are not even that easy to understand.

Second, it creates distance between students. Although it is wrong to judge a student’s intelligence solely on the basis of mathematical acumen, students still fall into the trap of this social division in the classroom. You may be good at all subjects, but what makes your classmates and some teachers consider you “really smart” is your math scores.

Finally, horror is tied to the theme. Many people do not like this topic. In fact, they are simply afraid of the subject. The fear stigma attached to this subject is what makes people fear it.

Today, we introduce to you an interesting math puzzle that can change the way you look at mathematics.

Here it is!

MATH PUZZLE 1: Joey has six sons. Every son proudly says: “I have a very smart sister.” How many children does Joey have?


If seven people meet and each shakes hands only once, how many handshakes will there be?


Joey has six sons. Every son proudly says: “I have a very smart sister.” How many children does Joey have?

Answer 1:

Joey has a total of seven children. All the guys are talking about the same sister.

Math puzzle 2:

If seven people meet and each shakes hands only once, how many handshakes will there be?

Answer to puzzle 2: Twenty-one

Categories: Optical Illusion

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