Math quiz: Can you calculate the number of cards Alexander had in the first round of Cartoku?

How many cards does Alexander had in the end of first Round?

Math puzzles are entertaining puzzles that challenge your brain. They often involve numbers or letters that are related in some way. For example, you may be asked to determine whether two words share a letter or a number.

Math quizzes are useful for honing your math skills, especially if you find it difficult to do basic calculations. The task is to solve them through logic and reasoning. Try this math puzzle to hone your problem-solving abilities.

Recently, Alexander sat down to play Cartoku with friends. And in the end he won even after losing the first match. HOW?

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Can you solve this puzzle?

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Set the timer for 07 seconds and try to find the answer within the allotted time.

Good luck!

Surely now you have found the answer. If you have, congratulations are in order. We know you can do this.

However, we will reveal the answer so you can cross-check your answer.

We are asked to change just one number in the puzzle so that the number of cards Alexander had at the end of the first part of the game is 6. We are told that he won by 17 cards in the second part and at the end of the game there are 28 cards. To know how many cards he had in the first part, we should subtract the number of cards he won in the second part from the total number of cards he had at the end of the game, in other words, 28 – 17 = 11. Since we were asked to ensure the answer is 6 and can only change one data, we have two valid choices.

  • Changing the number of cards he wins in the second part, if he wins 17 and we add 5, 17 +5 = 22. Then when we subtract that number from the total, 28 – 22 = 6, it will give us the number we need to solve the word problem. Alexander has 6 cards at the end of the first part of the game.
  • Change the number of cards he has at the end of the game, subtract 5 from the 28 cards, 28 – 5 = 23. Then subtract the number of cards he won in the second part, 17, from the total, 23 – 17 = 6. Alexander has 6 cards at the end of the first part of the game.

Note: Possibly, this could have more than one solution.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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