Lula takes office as president of Brazil! Tell us more about the president

Meet Brazil

The year 2023 begins with a big event for Brazil as Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is sworn in as Brazilian president for a third term. This is not the first time Brazil has met President Lula. Before that, he became president for the 2002-2010 term.

With great power comes great responsibility. The Brazilian economy is not witnessing a great time. Perhaps it would not be wrong to say that the Brazilian economy is in the worst situation due to the impacts caused by the pandemic. The economic recession is a big challenge for the country and Lula is the next hope of the Brazilian people.

Additionally, all eyes are on Lula due to his approach to preserving the Amazon rainforest.

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that many Brazilians believe in Lula’s abilities. The faith in this man is very much reflected in his origin and upbringing. Lula stands out as an exceptional president due to his working-class background. This enhances the president’s credibility with the people. And oh, no one can deny this man’s charisma, sincerity and great devotion to the not so privileged parts of the country. All these aspects and more have contributed to this man’s popularity and political success over the years.

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that many Brazilians believe in Lula’s abilities. The faith in this man is very much reflected in his origin and upbringing. Lula stands out as an exceptional president due to his working-class background. This enhances the president’s credibility with the people. And oh, no one can deny this man’s charisma, sincerity and great devotion to the not so privileged parts of the country. All these aspects and more have contributed to this man’s popularity and political success over the years.

The president’s story so far!

Lula da Silva belonged to a modest farming family in northeastern Brazil. The man has 7 brothers and sisters. Raising eight children became increasingly difficult with the meager income from Lula’s parents’ farm and that was why Lula, his mother and his six siblings moved to Santos. Then they moved to Sao Paulo.

Lula did not have a very exciting start in life. His childhood was not full of roses, unlike other children. Family circumstances forced him to drop out of school when he was in 5th grade. He then helped his family survive. The president’s journey has been extraordinary and inspiring. After dropping out of school, he worked as a shoe shiner on the streets of Sao Paulo.

After that, he started working as an office worker.

His teenage years were also not relaxing and fun. He got a job in a factory when he was a teenager.

Categories: Optical Illusion

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