Jon Fosse, new Nobel Prize in Literature: start reading his hypnotic “Trilogy”

Jon Fosse, new Nobel Prize in Literature: start reading his hypnotic “Trilogy”

Norwegian writer Jon Fosse was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. Norwegian writer Jon Fosse was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

The Norwegian writer Jon Fosse has just been announced as the Nobel Prize in Literature 2023. Although he is known for his plays, which were adapted around the world, he is also the author of almost 20 novels, such as his hypnotic and monumental Trilogythe beginning of which can be read at the end of this note.

Trilogy It is made up of three stories that Fosse had published separately and then decided to bring together into a single novel. With sparse and simple language, and with the help of a unique narrator, Fosse tells the story of a teenage couple expecting a child and doing their best to survive with nothing in a hostile world.

Between the defenselessness before the merciless gaze of society, the wonders of first love and the dizzying experience of starting life, Trilogy It is an emotional work that manages to illuminate from the darkness of an extreme situation.

This is how “Trilogy” by Jon Fosse begins

infobae[”Trilogía”, de Jon Fosse, puede comprarse en formato digital en Bajalibros clickeando acá]

Asle and Alida were walking through the streets of Bjørgvin, Asle carried on his shoulder two bundles with everything they had and in his hand the box with the violin that he had inherited from his father Sigvald, Alida carried two bags with food, and for hours they had been giving They walked around the streets of Bjørgvin looking for accommodation, but it seemed impossible to rent anything anywhere, no, they said, we’re sorry, they said, we don’t have anything to rent, what we have is already rented, that’s what they said, and Asle and Alida had to continue walking around the streets, knocking on doors to ask if they had any free rooms, but they didn’t have any rooms in any house, so where were they going to go, where were they going to take shelter from the cold and darkness Now that it was already late in the fall, they would have to be able to rent a room somewhere, and thank goodness it wasn’t raining, although it was sure to start raining soon, so they couldn’t keep wandering around, and why would no one want to put them up, it would be because everyone The world could see that Alida was about to give birth, that she looked like she could give birth at any moment, or was it because They were not married and therefore were not a decent marriage. nor could they be considered decent people, but they couldn’t see that, no, it was impossible for them to see it, or perhaps they could see it, there had to be some reason why no one wanted to house them, and it wasn’t that Asle and Alida didn’t want to receive them. The blessing of the Church was not that they did not want to get married, but when they had had the time and opportunity to do so, They were barely seventeen years old and obviously they lacked what was necessary to celebrate a wedding, but as soon as they had it, they would get married properly, with a priest and master of ceremony and party and musician and everything that corresponds, but for now they couldn’t, they had to continue as they were. and deep down they were fine, but why would no one want to house them, what problem did they see in them, maybe it would help them to think of themselves as husband and wife, if they did, it would surely be more difficult for others to notice that They walked through life as sinners and that they had already knocked on many doors and that no one they had asked wanted to accommodate them, but they cannot continue wandering around, night is about to fall, autumn is very advanced, there is little light, it is cold and it will soon rain. .

I am so tiredsays Alida

and they stop and Asle looks at Alida without knowing what to say to console her, because they had already consoled themselves many times by talking about the child who was coming, they talked about whether it would be a boy or a girl, and Alida thought that girls were easier to deal with, and he He thought the opposite, that it was easier to deal with children, but whether it was a boy or a girl, in any case they would be happy and grateful for the child of whom they would soon be parents, that’s how they talked and that’s how they consoled themselves with the child that would soon be born.

Asle and Alida were walking through the streets of Bjørgvin. And it’s not that until then they had been too worried about the fact that no one wanted to accommodate them, sooner or later things would be sorted out, soon they would find someone who had a little room to rent, a place to live for a while, something would come of it, because in Bjørgvin there were many houses, large and small houses, not like in Dylgja, where there were only a few farms and a few fishermen’s houses on the beach, she, Alida, was the daughter of Herdis la de la Cuesta, they said, and she came from a small farm in Dylgja, there she grew up with her mother Herdis and her sister Oline after her father Aslak disappeared never to return when Alida was three years old and her sister five, and Alida didn’t even remember her father, she only had his voice left. , he was still able to hear it and remembered the emotion it contained, and a clear, sharp and broad tone, but That was all he had left of his father. Aslak didn’t remember his appearance or anything else, just his voice when he sang, that was all she had left of him.

And he, Asle, grew up in a boathouse in Dylgja, there they had set up a kind of house in the attic and there Asle grew up with his mother Silja and his father Sigvald until he the father was lost at sea One day when the autumn storm came without warning, Father Sigvald used to fish on the islands to the west and the boat sank there, near the Big Stone. And from then on mother Silja and Asle were alone in the Caseta. But shortly after Father Sigvald disappeared, Mother Silja became ill and began to lose weight and became so skinny that it seemed as if the bones of her face were visible. Her large blue eyes grew larger and eventually took up almost her entire face. , that’s how Asle saw it, and the long dark hair became thinner, thinner, and in the end one morning he didn’t get up and Asle found her dead in bed. There lay mother Silja, with her big blue eyes open, looking to her side, where father Sigvald should have been. Her long, fine hair covered much of her face. There lay mother Silja dead.

That was a little over a year ago and Asle was around sixteen at the time. The only thing he had left in his life was himself and the four things that were in the Caseta, plus Father Sigvald’s violin. Asle had been left alone, more alone than anyone else, except for Alida. Seeing his mother Silja so infinitely dead and lost, the only thing he thought about was Alida. In her long dark hair and in her black eyes. In everything yours. Asle had Alida and she was the only thing he had left, the only thing he thought about. Asle put his hand close to Mother Silja’s cold, white face and caressed her cheek. Only Alida was left. That’s what he thought. And the violin. He thought that too. Because Father Sigvald had not only been a fisherman, he was also a good musician, and it was he who played at all the weddings in the Sygna region, this was how it was for many years and, when on a summer night a dance was organized, it was Father Sigvald who played

This is how he came to Dylgja from the east, to play at the wedding of the Leite farmer, and that is how he and mother Silja met, she served on the farm and also served at the wedding and father Sigvald played. This is how father Sigvald and mother Silja met. And mother Silja became pregnant and gave birth to Asle. And to earn bread for himself and his people, Father Sigvald looked for work with a fisherman from the islands, a man who lived on the Big Stone and, as part of the pay, the fisherman allowed Silja and Sigvald to settle in a boathouse he had there, in Dylgja. In this way, the musician Sigvald also became a fisherman and settled in the Dylgja Hut. That’s how it went. That’s how it happened. And none of them were there anymore, neither father Sigvald nor mother Silja. They were gone forever.

Jon Fosse is the latest writer to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature after Frenchwoman Annie Ernaux, winner of the 2022 edition. Jon Fosse is the latest writer to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature after Frenchwoman Annie Ernaux, winner of the 2022 edition.

And now Asle and Alida were walking through the streets of Bjørgvin, Asle with two bundles on his shoulder with everything they had, besides the box and his father Sigvald’s violin. It was night and cold. Alida and Asle had already knocked on many doors to ask for accommodation and everyone answered the same thing, it couldn’t be, they had nothing, the room they had was already occupied, no, they didn’t rent rooms, they had no need, those were the answers that they received, and Asle and Alida walk, they stop and look at a house, perhaps they had something to rent there, but they did not know if they dared to knock on another door, surely they would answer the same thing again, on the other hand, neither They could continue walking around the street, they had to risk calling and asking if they had a room for rent, but neither Asle nor Alida had the courage to explain their request once again and receive another no in response, perhaps they had been wrong. by taking all their things and sailing to Bjørgvin, but what else could they have done, they could not continue living with mother Herdis de la Cuesta, she did not want them in her house, there was no future at that, and if they had let them continue in the Caseta, they would have stayed there, but one day Asle saw a boy of the same age arriving in a boat, the boy lowered the sails, docked on the beach and began to climb towards the Caseta, shortly thereafter they knocked on the trap door and, when Asle opened it, when the boy climbed up and finished clearing his throat, he announced that he was now the owner of the Caseta, his father had been lost at sea along with Asle’s father, and now He needed the Caseta for himself, so Asle and Alida couldn’t continue living there, They had to pick up their things and find another place, that’s how it was., he said and sat on the bed next to Alida, who was there with her bulging belly, and she got up and went next to Asle, and the boy lay down on the bed and made himself comfortable and said that he was tired and wanted to rest a little, and Asle looked at Alida and they went to the trapdoor and lifted it. They went down the stairs, came out and stood in front of the Caseta. Alida, with her big, heavy belly, and Asle.

We no longer have a place to liveAlida said.

and Asle did not answer

But the Caseta is his, so I guess there’s nothing we can do, Asle said.

We have nowhere to live, Alida said.

“It’s late in the fall, there’s little light and it’s cold, and we have to live somewhere,” he said.

and they stayed for a while without saying anything.

And I will give birth soon, it could be any day, he says

Yes, says Asle

And we have nowhere to go, she says

and he sits on the bench by the wall of the House, the bench that Father Sigvald had made.

I should have killed himsays Asle.

Don’t say those things, says Alida

and Asle sits next to Alida on the bench.

I kill him, says Asle

No, no, says Alida

That’s how things are, there are those who own something and there are those who are not, he says

AND the owners rule over those of us who have nothingsays

I guess so, says Asle.

And that’s how it has to be, says Alida

This is how it will have to be, says Asle

And Alida and Asle stay sitting on the bench without saying a word and, after a while, the owner of the Caseta comes out saying that they have to pick up their things, now he is the one who lives in the Caseta, he says, and he doesn’t. He wants Asle there, at least, he says, although Alida, given her condition, could stay, he says, she’ll be back in a couple of hours and by then they have to be gone, at least Asle has to be gone, he says and then he goes down to the boat and, while loosening the mooring, he says that he is going to approach the tent and that, When I return, the Booth has to be empty and ready, that night he will sleep there, well, and maybe Alida too, if she wants, he says, and finally he pushes the boat, raises the sails and slowly moves away towards the north along the shore.

I can pick up things, says Asle

I can help you, says Alida

No, you go up the Cuesta, go to Mother Herdis’s house, says Asle.

Maybe he’ll take us in for the night, he says

Maybe, says Alida.

Who is Jon Fosse?

♦ He was born in Haugesund, Norway, in 1959.

♦ He is a writer and playwright.

♦ He wrote books like The other name, a new name and Trilogy.

♦ He received prestigious awards such as the Nobel Prize in Literature, the Ibsen Prize and the Brage Prize.

Jon FosseNobel Prize for Literature

Categories: Últimas Noticias

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