IQ test using optical illusion: Only 2% can see the Hat inside the Dining Table painting in 11 seconds!

Only 2% can spot a Hat inside the Dining Table picture in 11 secs!

IQ test with optical illusions: Do you like solving puzzles where objects are hidden inside optical illusion images? If yes then this optical illusion quiz is for you! An optical illusion can be defined as a mind-altering image of an object or a picture that challenges the way your brain perceives things. There are many types of optical illusions such as physical, physiological and cognitive illusions. These illusions are also part of the field of psychoanalysis that can reveal how good your IQ is. One such clever illustration can be seen in the image of a hat hidden somewhere inside the dining table painting.

IQ test using optical illusions: Only 2% can spot the Hat inside the Dining Table painting!


Image source: Patel Company

The image above has been shared as a picture puzzle for children and adults. In this illusion, you can see a dining table filled with a Thanksgiving feast. On the table you will find delicious dishes including pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes and turkey.

But somewhere inside the dining table, a hat is hiding. The illusion challenges the viewer to find hidden objects inside the painting by asking Find the hidden pilgrim hat”. It is claimed that only 2% of people can find the Hat hidden in this image.

Meanwhile, you can challenge your brain by finding a rabbit hidden among the cats in the photo within 15 seconds. If you can solve this optical illusion test then you are in the 1% of people with a good IQ.

Can you spot the hidden Hat after 11 seconds?

If you find it difficult to find the hidden hat in this tricky puzzle, here’s a hint for you! Look at the middle left of the image carefully. You will see a hat hidden behind a brown leaf. The hat was cleverly disguised with the objects on the dining table.

For your ease, we have highlighted the hat inside the dining table in the image below:


Image source: Patel Company

The hat is hiding behind a bottle of champagne and a leaf. This optical illusion can reveal how good your eyesight is. So tell us, did you spot the Hat hidden inside this optical illusion?

If you enjoyed solving this optical illusion quiz, try another one where you have to find the bell hidden inside a village painting within 5 seconds!

These optical illusion images are just another fun way to test your IQ. However, taking an actual IQ test is a good way to know your IQ level. Various studies explain that you can become smarter if you train your brain with difficult puzzles. How we solve these puzzles offers some interesting insights into how our brains work.

Categories: Optical Illusion

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