AI Alarm: Joe Biden meets with CEOs of Microsoft, Google and Open AI at the White House

Big tech owners such as Satya Nadella (CEO of Microsoft), Sundar Pichai (CEO of Google) and Sam Altman (CEO of Open AI), were recently subpoenaed by the White House and instructed that they must protect public from the dangers of Artificial Intelligence (AI). . The owners of this major tech giant were told that protecting society was their “moral duty”. In addition, the White House also asked them to manage this field further.

Furthermore, in a meeting with the CEOs of Microsoft, Alphabet, Anthropic, and OpenAI, Vice President Kamala Harris discussed protecting against the dangers of AI. In a statement, Harris stated that private companies have a “moral, ethical and legal responsibility” to ensure that their AI products are safe. Additionally, she said they still need to respect the law today.

Vice President Kamala Harris sees general AI technologies like ChatGPT, Bing Chat, and Bard as having the potential to both benefit and harm the nation. According to the Vice President, AI can solve many of the “biggest challenges”, however, it can also be abused to create distrust, violate rights as well as “undermine trust in democracy”. ”.

Look at the actions of Biden officials

Artificial intelligence is one of the most powerful tools of our time, but to seize its opportunities, we must first mitigate its risks.

Today, I’m meeting with AI leaders to discuss the importance of innovating responsibly and protecting people’s rights and safety.

– President Biden (@POTUS)
May 4, 2023

Advances in technology always bring new opportunities and challenges. Creative AI is no different.

Today, I met with CEOs of companies at the forefront of these advances to discuss the responsibility governments and companies have to minimize risks to protect the public.

– Vice President Kamala Harris (@VP)
May 5, 2023

Biden administration officials are ready to act on this issue to protect the public from possible AI risks. The National Information and Telecommunications Authority is preparing to seek public comments on AI development rules. Additionally, the meeting with the Vice President also shared a strong message that AI regulators and tech giants must act responsibly in this matter.

How does AI create benefits?

For example, creative AI is already providing benefits in countless tasks, such as providing detailed search answers, crafting messages for job seekers, and creating art. While all these tasks are done easily with the help of synthetic AI, accuracy, piracy, job automation, and fraud are still concerns. discuss.

What are the possible risks of generative AI?

Every coin has two sides and so does AI. While the current and potential benefits of AI may be endless, there are also many risk factors associated with such AI developments.

Disruption riskArtificial intelligence has brought a wave of change in the world of technology, but it will also disrupt markets and business models like never before. For example, Google has always held a strong position as a powerful search engine, but ChatGPT has challenged this position a bit.

: What is GigaChat? Is ChatGPT’s competitor an effective multimodal tool?

Categories: Optical Illusion

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