Your IQ is above average if you can find the hospital thief in 8 seconds!

Do you want this Friday to be interesting at work? We know the answer is yes. We all get bored at work sometimes and want something to escape the monotony. Well, don’t go anywhere because we have the perfect solution to entertain you and break your monotony.

That’s right, the solution to boredom is mind teasers. These puzzles require you to think creatively and help improve your lateral thinking. Reading all these words might make you think that these quizzes are boring, but we assure you that they are not. These brain teasers are so fun that you will never get enough of them. Don’t believe us? Why don’t you see for yourself?

Brain Teaser- Detect the thief at the hospital in 8 seconds

Look at the image below.


Source: 7 Second Quiz

Only an extremely intelligent person could spot an error in a street photo from the 1920s in 5 seconds!

If you look at the photo above, you will see a man lying in a hospital bed with three nurses taking care of him. A nurse in the hospital room stole a valuable item from a patient. Your job is to find out who. All the best!

Only a person with a high IQ can recognize the error in the desert painting within 4 seconds!

As you know, you will only have 8 seconds to spot the thief, so don’t waste even a second and get to work.

When the time is up, just scroll down to see the solution.

Only real geniuses can figure out how many holes are in a t-shirt within 9 seconds!

Brain teasing solution

Your job in this brain-bending image puzzle is to spot the thief at the hospital in 8 seconds. Here’s the thief:


Source: 7 Second Quiz

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Channel your inner Sherlock Holmes and find the witch at the antique shop in 6 seconds!

Brain Teaser: Only a sharp mind can detect the dog hiding in the forest within 9 seconds!

You are a quiz master if you can spot a student cheating on a test within 5 seconds!

Categories: Optical Illusion

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