World War Orphans Day 2023: Date, History, Theme, Meaning, etc.

World War Orphans Day 2023: The purpose of this day is to raise global awareness of the need to protect the human rights of war orphans and work to ensure a brighter tomorrow. better for you. This day is more relevant, mainly at the time of the pandemic because it has the most significant impact on orphans. This day also reminds us that caring for children in the worst of circumstances is a duty, mainly during the coronavirus pandemic.

World War Orphans Day is observed on January 6 to raise awareness about the plight of war orphans and address the traumatic circumstances they face.

Who is considered an orphan?

According to UNICEF, a child under the age of 18 who loses one or both parents to any cause of death is considered an orphan.

According to UNICEF data, there were about 140 million orphans globally in 2015, including 61 million in Asia, 52 million in Africa, 10 million in Latin America and the Caribbean, and 7.3 million in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

World War Orphans Day 2023: History

The French organization, SOS Enfants en Detresses, launched World War Orphans Day. This day highlights the lives of children affected by the consequences of war and aims to improve their future.

World War Orphans Day 2023: Theme

This year’s theme is “Standing Up for Children Affected by War” to focus global attention on the challenges these children face and how to best meet their needs.

The theme of the 2022 day is “Caring for children in difficult circumstances is a duty, especially in the face of a pandemic”.

The 2021 theme focuses on the need to raise awareness of children orphaned by conflict.

The goal of the 2019 World War Orphans Day campaign is to raise public awareness about war-related orphans.

Its themes include “Ending the Cycle of Violence: Protecting War Orphans, Supporting War Orphans: A Responsibility for Everyone and” War Orphans: Voices for peace.

World War Orphans Day 2023: Significance

According to UNICEF data, in the wars of the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries, about half of the victims were civilians and this number increased gradually until 2001. Since that year, the number decreased by 0.7%. each year.

During World War II, about two-thirds of the victims were civilians, and by the late 1980s, this number had increased to 90%.

Year Victims (million)
1990 146








2015 140

From the above data, it can be clearly seen that civilians in some countries around the world have become victims of war. Among them, children are silent victims. Millions of children growing up in war zones and ethnic conflicts have no family. Orphans not only have to take care of themselves but also have to take care of their younger siblings (if any).

So, the day highlights the plight of orphans and reminds us that every child must be cared for.

World War Orphans Day 2023: Quotes

1- My passion is children, more than children are children in difficult circumstances, orphans.

2- God is pleased that there is no music below like the thanksgiving songs of the freed widows and the supported orphans; of people who are happy, comforted, and grateful.

3- I love the holiday season, almost as much as I love touching myself in front of orphans.

4- What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the insane destruction is carried out in the name of totalitarianism or in the name of freedom or democracy?

5- Sad faces are always seen in orphanages! Neglecting the heart is more harmful than the head.

6- Where can we hide in beautiful weather, storm orphans?

7-“The truth is you can be orphaned over and over again. The truth is, you will be. And the secret is, this will hurt less and less until you can’t feel it What. Trust me on this.” – Chuck Palahniuk

8- “When you lose your parents as a child, you are brought into a club, you are brought into the greatest confidence of your life. You are not deceived.” – Hilary Thayer Hamann

9- “The purpose of letting orphans study all these diverse fields is not to become geniuses but to become wise men – meaning they will be geniuses in many different fields.” – James Morgan

10- “The orphanage is the only place that makes me both empty and complete.” – John M. Simmons

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