World Tuberculosis Day 2023: Know common myths and facts about tuberculosis

World Tuberculosis Day 2023

World Tuberculosis (TB) Day 2023: World Tuberculosis Day is celebrated every year on March 24 to debunk myths about the disease and raise awareness about different types of the disease. And to further focus on the goal, the theme of this year’s International Tuberculosis Day is “Yes! We can end TB!”

And some common myths and facts about tuberculosis are:

Myth 1: Tuberculosis is hereditary or transmitted through genes

Fact: Tuberculosis is not hereditary because genes do not affect how the disease develops or spreads. Tuberculosis bacteria take time to grow in the human body and are transmitted through close proximity to other infected people.

People often have the misconception that tuberculosis is transmitted from parents to children, but that is also not true until there is direct contact.

Myth 2: Tuberculosis is contagious

Truth: It’s partly true. Tuberculosis is certainly an infectious disease but it is not spread through direct contact. Patients with tuberculosis infection in the throat and lungs can transmit the disease to others nearby through saliva droplets (coughing, sneezing, talking, etc.).

Myth 3: Tuberculosis is incurable

Fact: It is completely untrue. Tuberculosis can be treated with effective antibacterial drugs. To date, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved about 10 drugs to treat tuberculosis, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Myth 4: Smoking causes tuberculosis

Fact: Smoking is certainly harmful to the lungs, but it is not the only cause of tuberculosis. And the main cause of tuberculosis is inhalation of infected air and tuberculosis mycobacteria.

Myth 5: Tuberculosis does not recur

Fact: You can get TB again even after being treated once. However, factors associated with recurrence remain unknown. So, ensure that you complete your Tuberculosis treatment without interruption.

Myth 6: Tuberculosis is a disease of the poor.

Truth: This is definitely just a myth. Tuberculosis does not discriminate based on class, skin color, creed or gender. According to the World Health Organization, 44% of new tuberculosis cases were reported in Southeast Asia in 2019.

Myth 7: Tuberculosis is preventable

Fact: This statement is only partially accurate; Although TB ​​vaccines are available, they are not yet guaranteed. The effects of vaccinations wear off in adults, but they are solid preventative measures that can protect babies from any serious illness.

Myth 8: Tuberculosis is deadly

Fact: That’s not accurate. If left untreated, tuberculosis can be fatal, but thanks to advances in medical science, the disease is now successfully treated by experts using a variety of drugs and other modern therapies. together.

Tuberculosis or tuberculosis is a serious disease caused by Mycobacteria tuberculosis. Although the germs typically target the lungs, they can also infect the kidneys, spine, and brain. The list of different types of tuberculosis also includes Pott’s disease or Pott’s spine, pulmonary tuberculosis, later tuberculosis, and active tuberculosis.

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