World Elephant Day 2023: Theme, Know how many different species and types of elephants are

World Elephant Day 2023

World Elephant Day is celebrated every year on 12 August to raise awareness of the plight of elephants and advocate for their protection. This day was established in 2012 by Patricia Sims and the Elephant Reintegration Foundation of Thailand.

World Elephant Day states: “World Elephant Day was co-founded on 12 August 2012 by Canadian Patricia Sims and Thailand’s Elephant Regeneration Foundation, an initiative of Queen HM Sirikit of Thailand. Since that time, Patricia Sims has continued to lead World Elephant Day.

“Since it started building global awareness, it has partnered with 100 elephant conservation organizations worldwide and reached countless individuals around the globe. Millions of participants worldwide have shown their concern for the plight of elephants by noting World Elephant Day, demonstrating that people love elephants and want to do anything. What can be done to help?” it added.

Pamper the elephant Reteti with a gift of a milk bottle for World Elephant Day! 🍼

Every bottle of milk sponsored this weekend will get ✨ matching ✨ – up to 12,500 bottles! You can help us reach our goal of buying 25,000 bottles of milk by Sunday night.

– Reteti Elephant Sanctuary (@RetetiSanctuary)
August 11, 2023

What is the theme of World Elephant Day 2023?

According to News 18, this year’s theme is “Ending the illegal wildlife trade”. The illegal wildlife trade is a major threat to elephants.

Every year, thousands of elephants are killed for their tusks, which are then sold on the black market. This trade is driving elephants to extinction.

The theme of World Elephant Day 2023 is a call to action to end the illegal wildlife trade. We need to work together to stop the killing of elephants and protect these majestic creatures.

What are the different types of elephants?

Elephants are the largest land animals on Earth. They are intelligent, social creatures that live in groups. There are two species of elephants: the African elephant and the Asian elephant.

The World Wildlife Organization states: “African savanna is the largest elephant species, while Asian and African forest elephants are equally small.”

The World Elephant Day website mentions that the extinct giant elephant is closely related to the African elephant.

The site mentions: “To further confirm that African elephants consist of two different species (forest and savannah), a new scientific discovery reveals that ancient giant elephants lived 1.5 million to 100,000 years ago across the country. Eurasia (before extinction) is more closely related to the European elephant. Today’s African wild elephants are more closely related to the African savannah elephants!”

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