World Day Against Child Labor 2023: Current Topics, History and Significance of the Day

World Day Against Child Labor 2023:

World Child Labor Day is celebrated on June 12 every year and this year, this global platform is called upon to unite against child labor and human trafficking, even more so, when watching considering its alarming rate of increase.

According to a report by UNICEF and the International Labor Organization (ILO), the number of children working has increased to 160 million worldwide.

World Day Against Child Labor was launched by the International Labor Organization in 2002. This day provides an opportunity and urges the need to create an environment for children to thrive and live a dignified life as well as fighting against child labor worldwide.

Poverty is one of the main causes of child labor, forcing children to drop out of school and choose minimal work to help their parents make a living. Furthermore, some are forced into child labor by criminal organizations.

The day not only focuses on the right environment needed for children to grow and prosper but also provides opportunities to receive support from government, civil society, schools, youth, women’s groups and media to participate in the campaign against child labor.

World Day Against Child Labor 2023: Theme

The theme of this year’s World Day Against Child Labor is “Social Justice for All. End Child Labor!”

This year’s theme implies that Child Labor can be ended if the root causes are addressed and the need for social justice for everyone is met. According to the United Nations, “Only 26.4% of children worldwide receive social protection cash grants.”

This theme also calls for contributions to bring solutions to people’s daily problems and calls for everyone to come together to prove that change is possible when determined and will come together. .

The theme of World Day Against Child Labor 2022 is “Global social protection to end child labor”. The theme focuses on increasing investments in social protection systems and programs to create a strong social protection foundation that can help protect children from child labor.

Because there are about 160 million children still working. The United Nations declared that “Africa, Asia and the Pacific regions together account for nearly nine out of every 10 working children worldwide.”

The International Labor Organization (ILO) celebrates the 111th Session of the International Labor Conference 2023 to promote social justice and decent work for children through the Day Against Child Labor.

Let us tell you that the International Labor Organization (ILO) launched World Day Against Child Labor in 2002 to focus attention on the issue of child labor and the actions or necessary work to eliminate this situation. It also works towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 8.7 set by the international community to end child labor by 2025.

The day also focuses on the ratification of the 2014 protocol to the Forced Labor Convention to protect the rights of adults as well as children.

The theme of World Day Against Child Labor 2021 is “Act now: end child labor!“.

The theme of World Day Against Child Labor 2020 is “Covid-19: Protecting children from child labor, now more than ever! “.

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World Day Against Child Labor: History

In 1919, the International Labor Organization (ILO) was established to promote social justice and establish International Labor Standards. Let us tell you that ILO has 187 member countries. The Kingdom of Tonga, an island nation in the South Pacific, has become the 187th member state of the International Labor Organization (ILO). Since then, the ILO has adopted a number of conventions aimed at improving labor conditions globally. Not only this, but also provide guidance on issues like wages, working hours, favorable environment, etc.

In 1973, ILO Convention No. 138 was adopted and focused on the minimum age for employment. It aims for member states to raise the minimum working age and eliminate child labor. In 1999, ILO convention No. 182 was adopted and is also known as the “Convention on the Worst Forms of Child Labor”. It aims to take necessary and immediate action to eliminate the worst form of child labor.

What is child labor?

According to the International Labor Organization, child labor is “work that deprives children of their childhood, potential and dignity, and is harmful to their physical and mental health”. That kind of work deprives children of their right to education and a dignified life. The ILO also said child labor is work that has physical, mental and social consequences for children and harms them in one way or another. In fact, any type of work that prevents children from going to school is child labor. It is divided into three types: jobs that deprive children of the opportunity to go to school, jobs that force children to leave school early, and jobs that force children to go to school but with a heavy workload.

World Day Against Child Labor: Meaning

This day mainly focuses on children’s development and it protects children’s right to education and a dignified life. Therefore, it is important to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 propagated by the United Nations. Some organizations, ILO etc. are making efforts to curb child labor. But we should also be responsible and do our part to help eliminate child labor. It is very accurately said that a child, after experiencing child labor, will know his or her potential and self-worth. They began to enjoy life, enjoy human rights and live a dignified life. Surely such children will also contribute to the economic and social growth of the country as well as the world. Children are the future of the country, right!

Some facts about child labor According to the United Nations, – About 160 million children between the ages of 5-17 are in child labor and nearly half of them (about 73 million) are in dangerous child labor .

– Nearly 48% of victims of child labor are aged 5-11, 28% are 12-14 years old and 24% are 15-17 years old.

End child labor, protect children’s rights, educate and support them!

Important dates in June 2023: List of domestic and international dates

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