World AIDS Day 2022: Why is AIDS Day celebrated on December 1?

World AIDS Day!

World AIDS Day is celebrated every year on December 1. This day gives people the opportunity to unite and fight against HIV. Furthermore, this day is also an opportunity for people to show support for HIV-infected patients and remember those who have died from AIDS-related diseases.

Why is World AIDS Day celebrated on December 1?

Well, there is a very specific reason behind the date. Bunn, a former television journalist from San Francisco proposed December 1 as a special date for World AIDS Day in the belief that it would increase coverage of World AIDS Day in the media. Western media. This date takes place after the US election but before the Christmas holidays, and therefore it will receive maximum media coverage.

You will be surprised to know that World AIDS Day was the first global health day. This day was established in 1988.

The idea of ​​World AIDS Day was first proposed in August 1987 by James W. Bunn and Thomas Netter. Bunn and Netter are public information officers for the World Health Organization’s Global Program on AIDS in Geneva, Switzerland.

This proposal was put forward by Bunn and Netter to Dr. Jonathan Mann, Director of the Global Program on AIDS (now called UNAIDS) because they thought it was a great idea. This opinion was warmly received by Dr. Man and he nodded in agreement. He agreed with the proposal to organize the first World AIDS Day on December 1, 1988.

What is the significance of World AIDS Day?

The answers to the questions lie in statistics. Around 105,000 people across the UK are living with HIV. If we talk about global numbers then there are about 38 million people fighting this virus. Note that this virus was only identified in 1984 and more than 35 million people have died from HIV or AIDS-related illnesses. It’s no surprise that this is one of the most devastating pandemics in human history.

Currently, science is helping humanity heal such pandemics. Scientific advances have been applied in HIV treatment. Additionally, countries have also recognized the sensitivity of this issue and therefore we have laws in place to protect those living with the virus.

Despite all this, the numbers convey an alarming story. More than 4,129 people are diagnosed with HIV each year in the UK. There may be many reasons for this huge number, but the most important reason remains the fact that people do not know how they can protect themselves and others from HIV. Additionally, harsh discrimination against people infected with the virus is also a major concern that humans still need to learn how to deal with.

Know the difference between HIV and AIDS

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