Why did China dig a hole 10,000 m deep into the Earth’s crust?

Why is China digging a deep hole in the Earth

China is drilling a deep hole into the Earth’s crust. Why does China do that? What is the purpose behind the 10,000 meter deep hole? Let’s find out.

Why does China dig deep holes in the Earth's crust?

Why does China dig deep holes in the Earth’s crust?

Chinese scientists have devised a new method to explore the Earth’s crust. Although this method is receiving media attention worldwide, the reaction it is receiving is mixed. According to a Bloomberg report, China has begun drilling a deep hole 10,000 meters deep into the Earth’s crust. China is the second largest economy in the world, and therefore such a move, questioned by neighboring countries, would certainly be taken for an important purpose.

China is drilling a hole 10,000 meters deep into the Earth’s crust https://t.co/Ki6oYEh6jc

– Bloomberg (@business)
June 1, 2023

The Xinjiang region is where drilling began on May 30, 2023. Xinjiang is an oil-rich region of China. According to some reports, the narrow shaft in the Earth’s crust will pass through about 10 rock layers, after which it will hit the Earth’s Cretaceous system. Earth’s Cretaceous system contains rocks that are up to 145 million years old! This information was shared by Xinhua News Agency. Xinhua News Agency was told by a scientist that the Earth drilling project is as difficult as for a giant truck running on two very thin steel cables.

According to the report, China’s deep drilling into the Earth’s crust is carried out solely for the purpose of large-scale Earth exploration. Such research could aid in detecting the risk of environmental disasters such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. This giant artificial hole will help scientists make predictions and warnings about possible upcoming disasters.

The world’s second-largest economy is poised to lead the way in science. This can be seen by the fact that on the first day of drilling holes, China also sent its first civilian astronaut into space. In 2021, President Xi Jinping gave a speech in which he talked about significant advances in the extensive exploration of the Earth. During this time, the President spoke before a group of leading Chinese scientists. A deep exploration of the Earth could identify energy sources within the Earth’s crust. Also read: US Navy releases video of China’s dangerous warship maneuver

Russia’s Kola superdeep borehole is the deepest man-made hole ever drilled into the Earth. This hole took about 2 decades to be drilled. In 1989, the hole was drilled to a depth of 12,000 m. However, drilling stopped for about a year because of countless scientific and celebratory visits to the drilling site. : Who is Alex Rodriguez? Let’s know more about the legendary baseball player. : Why is China expanding its nuclear arsenal?

Frequently asked questions

What is the deepest man-made hole dug into the Earth?

Russia’s Kola superdeep borehole is the deepest man-made hole ever drilled into the Earth.

Why did China drill a huge hole in the Earth’s crust?

China’s drilling deep into the Earth’s crust is only for the purpose of large-scale Earth exploration.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: pagasa.edu.vn

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