Who is the longest living woman in the world? Guinness World Record holder Maria Branyas Morera is 115 years old

Who Is The Oldest Living Woman In The World? Guinness World Record Holder Maria Branyas Morera Is 115 Years Old!

It has been confirmed that María Branyas Morera is now the world’s oldest living woman and she was 115 years and 322 days old as of January 20, 2023. Learn about the Guinness World Record holder here!

Who is the longest living woman in the world?  Guinness World Record holder Maria Branyas Morera is 115 years old!

Who is the longest living woman in the world? Guinness World Record holder Maria Branyas Morera is 115 years old!

Maria Branyas Morera is the new Guinness World Record holder and it has been confirmed that she is now the oldest living woman in the world. She was 115 years and 322 days old as of January 20, 2023. Before the oldest living person was Lucile Randon, 118 years old. She passed away on January 17, 2023.

READ|Who is Lucile Randon, the world’s oldest person who died at the age of 118?

Maria Branyas Morera is a native of California and she was born on March 4, 1907.

Después de la muerte de la francesa Lucile Randon, la nueva Persona viva mas longeva del mundo es María Branyas Morera (nacida el 4 de marzo de 1907 en Estados Unidos), de 115 años e 319 days, vive en la ciudad de Olot, Cataluña , Spain. pic.twitter.com/wdJGWE2Sn2

— LongeviQuest Supercentenarios (@Supercentenaria)
January 17, 2023

Maria Branyas Morera: Know about her

  • Born in San Francisco, California, Maria Branyas Morera was born on March 4, 1907, a year after her parents immigrated to this country.
  • After eight years, they returned to Spain and settled in Catalonia. María has lived there ever since.
  • Maria’s father died of tuberculosis on the way back and could not survive the dangerous transatlantic journey from America to Spain.
  • She has been in a nursing home called Residència Santa María del Tura for the past 22 years.
  • María has three children, 11 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren.
  • María lost hearing in one ear after falling while playing with her brothers.
  • She also has a voice-to-text device that allows her family to contact her.
  • Her husband was a Catalan doctor named Joan Moret, whom she married in 1931.

Maria Branyas Morera: Life and journey

  • In 1915, her family went to Barcelona during World War I.
  • She survived both World Wars, the Spanish Civil War and the Spanish Flu pandemic.
  • María also battled Covid-19 in 2020.
  • After contracting the virus just weeks after her 113th birthday celebration, she fully recovered in just a few days.
  • She also became the world’s oldest Covid-19 survivor, although her record was broken by Lucile Randon later that year.
  • In January 2023, Guinness World Records shared an Instagram post about the woman who became the longest living person at 115 years old.

María still has a bright outlook on life and believes that there is always something new to learn every day – even if you are the oldest person in the world.

“Life is not eternal for anyone… At my age, a new year is a gift, a humble celebration, a new adventure, a beautiful journey, a moment carved happiness. Let’s enjoy life together.”

She tweeted on the first day of 2023.

Feliç Any Nou. It’s all you want and desire. Que tingueu un 2023 ple de bons moment. Jo no puc parlar de die, hores or minuts, per que la meva vida son moment. 👇👇👇 pic.twitter.com/Hw4dDQCIB3

– Super Àvia Catalana (@MariaBranyas112)
January 1, 2023

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Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: pagasa.edu.vn

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