What makes a “developed” country from a “developing” country?

What makes a country

Prime Minister Narendra Modi coined the unique term “Panch Pran” on the 76th Independence Day.

“For the next 25 years, we need to focus on ‘Panch Pran’,” the Prime Minister emphasized. The first thing is to make India a developed country.”

Panch Pran

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has addressed five commitments towards a better India. Five Pran is

  1. The goal of a developed India
  2. Eliminate all traces of colonial thinking
  3. Let’s be proud of our roots
  4. Unite
  5. Sense of civic responsibility

What makes a country a “developed” country?

Worldwide, there is no global consensus on the criteria that constitute a developing, “developed” country.

However, experts try their best to find certain indicators that can help determine the growth of a country.

Human Development Index

An important criterion for determining a country’s growth is its economic performance. However, the combination of per capita income along with other social aspects is often considered a better parameter. The Human Development Index indicates a country’s level of education, health and literacy.

The Human Development Index is a statistical composite index that includes factors such as life expectancy, per capita income and education. These factors are useful in classifying countries into four levels of human development. These are “Very high, high, medium and low”.


Economic growth is one of the clearest indicators of a country’s growth. With a GDP of $2.7 trillion, India is the world’s sixth largest economy. Furthermore, the country is expected to grow at around 7% in the current fiscal year to March 2023. This would be the fastest growth among major economies.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: pagasa.edu.vn

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