What is XBB.1.5, the new COVID variant? Infection rates, symptoms, severity and more

New Year and New Variant of COVID Coming. According to the World Health Organization, XBB.1.5, a descendant of the Omicron XBB sub-variant, has begun to increase in some areas of Europe (WHO). CDC recently estimated that as of Friday (January 14), XBB.1.5 was responsible for at least 43% of all COVID-19 cases across the United States, up from 30% in the first week first of January.

#COVID-19 Is transmission increasing again in your community? Here’s how you can assess and reduce your risk of infection ⬇️

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— World Health Organization (WHO) (@WHO)
January 13, 2023

What is XBB.1.5, the latest COVID sub-variant?

The Omicron strain of the COVID-19 coronavirus, currently the most contagious variant (VOC), contains a sub-variant known as XBB.1.5. A record number of infections were attributed to the early-year spread of Omicron around the world. Unofficially known as Kraken, XBB.1.5 is a subclade of XBB made up of two sub-BA.2 strains and belongs to the XBB family. In the United States, it was first detected in October 2022. At least 38 countries have seen the spread of XBB.1.5, including Canada, Australia, Kuwait, Germany and France.

Grace Roberts, a virologist at the University of Leeds in England, said this sub-variant differs from its very similar predecessor XBB.1 only because of an additional mutation in its spike protein. Notably, this spike in protein is what opens the door for the virus to enter the body’s cells.

Also read: How to get the third vaccine against Covid-19?

Is XBB.1.5 more infectious?

According to Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO’s COVID-19 technical lead, who made this statement on January 4, “the most transmissible sub-variant detected” is XBB.1.5. “The reason for this is because the mutations located in this sub-variant of Omicron allow this virus to attach to cells and replicate easily,” she continued.

Experts say Kraken has an advantage over XBB due to the F486p mutation, which allows it to attach more effectively to the ACE2 receptor in cells, which is how Covid-19 spreads in humans.

The emerging XBB.1.5 variant, according to Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO’s technical lead on Covid, is the most contagious form of the disease and clearly has a “growth advantage” over other SARS-CoV-2 strains, the virus that causes Covid-19. . According to ECDC, the XBB.1.5 spike protein mutation along with its highly transmissible ancestor, the XBB variant, are currently believed to be the most probable cause of the disease’s transmissibility This.

Can XBB.1.5 lead to severity?

According to WHO, there is currently no solid evidence that Kraken will cause more severe illness than its predecessors. The UN agency reported that XBB.1.5 does not “carry any mutations known to be associated with a potential change in severity” in its internal risk assessment published on November 11. January. However, the agency stated that assessments of the severity are ongoing.

According to the AFP report, the new sub-variant is “no reason to panic”, and the University of Leeds virologist does not believe “any drastic action is currently necessary”. However, it is important for countries to pay attention to the development and spread of XBB.1.5.

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What are the symptoms of variant XBB.1.5?

“The symptoms of XBB 1.5 appear to be similar to those of previous Omicron body”. “These symptoms can range from cold symptoms to difficulty breathing and low oxygen levels requiring emergency medical attention.” stated further.

She also noted that Covid signs and symptoms, which include people losing their sense of taste and smell, appear different from those observed earlier in the pandemic due to the emergence and spread of variants. new body. According to the AMA VP, although it still occurs occasionally, it is currently uncommon in the Omicron variant.

“Experts generally believe that Covid symptoms have become less severe over time. That may be because they tend to exist in the upper respiratory tract and do not affect the lungs as much as previous variants,” Garcia said.

She went on to say that immunity from vaccination or previous infections is also responsible for people in the United States reporting milder symptoms such as cough, nasal congestion and headaches. However, because they can be confused with the flu or a cold, the AMA VP recommends getting tested for Covid if you experience any of the symptoms listed below:

  • Have a runny nose
  • Sore throat
  • Headache, cold
  • Sneezing
  • Athritis
  • Upper back pain
  • Pain in the neck

Additionally, it is better to follow prevention methods such as:

  • For the best protection from this new variant, wear a mask.
  • Keep your distance from people as it is safer to avoid crowded places.
  • To prevent any kind of infection, wash your hands regularly or sanitize them.
  • For better ventilation during the day, open the windows.

Also read: What are the two new COVID variants found in China?

Omicron poses a threat to public health even though it is less severe and requires fewer hospitalizations than previous variants such as alpha or delta, and vaccination is an essential protection against it. So, follow all safety precautions to protect yourself and your family.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: pagasa.edu.vn

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