What is the strange “Blood Moonset-Sunrise” scheduled to appear in the US next week? “Selenium Eclipse” EXPLANATION


New Yorkers or people living on the east coast down to North Carolina get excited when they see something strange appear in the sky at sunrise.

On November 8, 2022, the last “Blood Moon” total lunar eclipse in three years will appear from North America in the early hours of the day.

This day will mark a celestial event that will continue for more than five hours, during which the moon will drift into, then out of the planet’s shadow in space.

When the moon touches the center of the shadow, it will appear copper-red.

The special moon will appear before the people of North America, East Asia and the Pacific. However, according to astronomers, people in western North America are the luckiest because they will see the most beautiful scenery.

Solar eclipse “selenelion” – EXPLANATION

Patricia Reiff, an American space physicist at Rice University in Houston, Texas, explains that a selenelion eclipse occurs in situations where the rising Moon is completely obscured at sunset (in the evening in the east) or dives completely at dawn (in the morning). Western time).

Well, it seems impossible, right? In fact, the Moon is only obscured in cases where it moves into the Earth’s shadow in space. In this case, it is directly opposite the Sun.

This condition occurs due to the curvature of the Earth. Earth’s atmosphere refracts images of the Moon and Sun. It then makes them appear to be in slightly different positions.

This event is rare because alignment cannot be performed routinely. It only occurs in a narrow strip of the planet’s surface that includes both morning and evening.

Patricia Reiff says that “Every lunar eclipse has two selenelion bands, but they may not be visible from the United States.”

It is important to note that on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, one of the selenelion bands will be available in the United States.

The reason behind the red color of the “Blood Moon”

There is a specific reason behind the bronze-red color of the Moon in this situation. As the Moon makes its long journey through our planet’s shadow, the only light that hits the Moon’s surface will initially be filtered through Earth’s atmosphere.

This fact makes it red.

Short-wavelength blue light emitted from the Sun hits molecules in the planet’s atmosphere and scatters. However, red and orange light, which has longer wavelengths, passes through more easily and hits not as many molecules.

As a result, red light became the dominant color of visible light on the Moon during that short period of time.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: pagasa.edu.vn

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