What is the difference between rabbit and hare?

What Is The Difference Between Hare and Rabbit?

Hares and rabbits are both members of the Leporidae family and are often confused with each other. They have many similarities in appearance and behavior, but there are also obvious differences that set them apart.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the key differences between hares and hares, exploring the unique characteristics that set these two animals apart from each other. Whether you are a nature enthusiast or just curious about these fascinating creatures, this article will help you gain a deeper understanding of the differences between hares and hares.

Difference between hare and hare


Source: BBC Wildlife Magazine | a rabbit

Appearance and behavior

  • Hares are typically larger and faster than rabbits, and they tend to have longer ears and legs. They are often more solitary and aggressive, while rabbits are more sociable and docile. Hares are also known for their strong legs and can run at high speeds, which helps them escape from predators.

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  • Hares prefer fields, lawns and hedgerows and are most common in open agricultural lands, grassland environments and along the edges of forests. They graze on plants as well as the bark of trees and young bushes. Rabbits, on the other hand, prefer naturally occurring patches of short grass, such as in semi-arid regions, or the products of heavily grazed grasslands.


  • While hares tend to eat more coarse and fibrous vegetation, such as twigs, bark and grass; Rabbits prefer to eat softer plants like clover and garden vegetables.

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Source: Satyabratasm | A rabbit

Life cycle

  • Hares are known to mature quickly as they can reproduce as soon as they are 3-4 months old. They have a shorter gestation period of about 42 days and can give birth to up to 4 litters per year, with an average of 4-5 young in each litter. On the other hand, rabbits have a gestation period of about 31 days and usually give birth to 2-3 litters per year with an average of 4-6 babies/litter.

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  • According to National Geographic, the most striking difference between hares and rabbits can be seen in their babies. When hares are born, their fur is fully formed and their eyes are developed. On the other hand, when rabbits are born, they have no fur, undeveloped eyes, and no ability to regulate temperature.

In addition to the differences mentioned above, there is another difference between a hare and a hare. Hares live entirely on the ground, unlike rabbits that live in burrows or burrows.

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According to Australian wildlife biologist Philip Stott, the “harebrained” nickname stems from the animals’ insecurity in captivity, where they tend to panic at the slightest stimuli, which sometimes when making them commit suicide.

Overall, although rabbits and hares have some similarities, they also have distinct differences in physical characteristics, behavior, and life cycle. We hope that this article was helpful in understanding the difference between hares and hares.

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Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: pagasa.edu.vn

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