What is the difference between dinner and dinner?

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Did you know that the words—dinner and supper—used in our daily lives to refer to the last meal of the day are actually different? Don’t you think this is quite fascinating?

The two terms that are often used interchangeably to refer to the last meal of the day actually have completely different meanings. In this article, we will look at the difference between supper and dinner.

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Difference between dinner and dinner

The word “dinner” comes from the French word “dinner.” Traditionally, it means breakfast.

Yes, you read it right. In the past, the word “dinner” actually meant breakfast.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, dinner was considered the first meal of the day and was usually eaten around noon. It is often the largest and most important meal of the day, providing nutrients for the long hours of manual labor that follow.

According to Reader’s Digest, dinner doesn’t actually refer to a specific time; it just means the heaviest and most important meal of the day.

Dictionary.com also defines dinner as the main meal of the day eaten at noon. Since dinner is eaten at midday, smaller and lighter meals are eaten later in the evening. This small meal is called “supper.”

The word “dinner” also comes from French. It comes from the word “soup” means a meal in the evening.

So, in the past, dinner referred to a meal consumed around noon, while dinner meant a meal consumed in the evening.

With the passage of time and the development of industry, people’s eating habits have changed. They began adding more meals to their day and began eating before the traditional “dinner” at noon.

The main meal of the day is shifted later and later until it is closer to the time people usually eat dinner, which is at night.

With the cultural shift in modern times, people started eating their largest meal in the evening and started calling it dinner, the first meal of the day became breakfast, and the midday meal became supper. lunch. The word “dinner” is still used in many places prominent in agriculture and horticulture.

Although the difference between dinner and supper today varies depending on culture and region, a general understanding of their differences can help understand their usage in different contexts. We hope that this article was an interesting read for you. Let us know what you think about this and what your favorite meal of the day is.

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Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: pagasa.edu.vn

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