What is Cancer: Causes, Signs & Symptoms, Prevention, Early Detection and Treatment

What is Cancer?

World Cancer Day 2023: This day is celebrated on February 4 to raise global awareness about cancer. This day originated in 2000 at the first World Cancer Summit held in Paris. According to WHO, if the number of cancer cases continues to increase at the reported rate, the number of cancer deaths worldwide will increase to more than 16.3 million by 2040.

कैंसर का इलाज . You know #WorldCancerDay #SwasthaBharat#beatNCD pic.twitter.com/mZLuKdSEkb

– Ministry of Health (@MoHFW_INDIA)
February 4, 2023

In addition, according to WHO, up to 40% of cancer deaths are preventable. Therefore, raising awareness is very important and has become a prominent role for many health and cancer organizations worldwide. World Cancer Day is an annual reaffirmation of the importance of this goal.

The theme of this year’s World Cancer Day campaign is “Closing the care gap”. It focuses on spreading awareness about this equity gap that affects most people, in high-income as well as low- and middle-income countries.

What is cancer?

It is a disease that occurs when changes in a group of cells occur inside the body and lead to abnormal, uncontrolled growth, forming a growth called a tumor. This is true for all cancers except leukemia which is a blood cancer. If the tumor is not treated, it will grow and spread into surrounding normal tissues or to other parts of the body through the blood and lymphatic system and can thus affect the digestive system. chemical, neurological and circulatory or releasing hormones that can affect the body. body functions.

Cancerous tumors can be divided into three groups as benign, malignant or pre-cancerous.

About benign tumors

Benign tumors are not cancerous and are rarely life-threatening. They grow slowly inside the body and also do not spread to other parts of the body. Typically, they are made up of cells that are quite similar to normal or healthy cells. Problems only occur when they grow very large, become uncomfortable or press on any other organs. For example, a brain tumor inside the skull.

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About malignant tumors

Malignant tumors grow faster than benign tumors. They have the ability to spread and destroy nearby tissues. Melanoma cells can break away from the main or primary tumor and can spread to different parts of the body through a process called metastasis. They invade healthy tissue in the new location and continue to divide and grow. The secondary sites are called metastases and the condition is called metastatic cancer.

About pre-cancer (or pre-malignancy)

It is a condition involving abnormal cells that can or are likely to develop into cancer.

How is cancer caused?

Due to various factors, it can be caused and as well as many other diseases. Most cancers are the result of exposure to various causative factors. But it’s important to remember that although some factors cannot be modified, one-third of cancers can be prevented by minimizing behavioral and dietary risks.

Some modifiable risk factors are as follows:


Overweight or obese

Diet and nutrition

Physical activity: Regular physical activity helps reduce excess body fat and the cancer risks associated with this will also be reduced such as developing colon, breast and endometrial cancer.


Ionizing radiation: Cancer can also be caused by man-made sources of radiation and are dangerous to workers including radon, X-rays, gamma rays and other forms of high-energy radiation.

Workplace hazards

Infections: According to reports, approximately 2.2 million cancer deaths annually occur due to infectious agents. That cancer cannot be detected like an infection, but viruses can cause changes in cells that make them more likely to become cancerous.

Some risk factors that cannot be modified are as follows:

Age: It is said that many types of cancer become more common with age. The longer people live, the more they are exposed to carcinogens and the more time it takes for genetic changes or mutations to occur in their cells.

Carcinogens (Carcinogens): These are substances that change the way cells function and increase the risk of developing cancer.


Immune system: People with weak immune systems are more at risk of developing certain types of cancer.

What is ‘High Grade’ Metastatic Cancer?

What are the signs and symptoms of cancer?

There are many different types of cancer, so symptoms are different and depend on the location of the disease. Some main signs and symptoms are as follows:

Abnormal lump or swelling

Change bowel habits


Difficulty breathing or swallowing

Unexplained weight loss


Pain or soreness

New moles or changes to moles

Complications when urinating

Abnormal breast changes

A sore or ulcer that does not heal

Heartburn or indigestion: Persistent or painful heartburn or indigestion

Excessive night sweats

Prevention and early detection of cancer

It is said that more than one-third of cancers can be prevented by reducing exposure to risk factors such as tobacco, obesity, physical activity, infections, alcohol, environmental pollution, occupational carcinogens and radiation. Additionally, prevention of some cancers may be effective through vaccination against hepatitis B virus (HBV) and human papillomavirus (HPV). They help protect against liver cancer and cervical cancer.

There are many different types of cancer that can be identified early and help improve the chances of a successful treatment outcome, often at a lower cost and with fewer or fewer significant side effects for the patient. There are several cost-effective tests that help detect colorectal, breast, cervical and oral cancers early. In addition, further tests are being developed for other cancers. It is important to consult your doctor for guidance on national recommendations regarding vaccination, testing and screening.

Cancer treatment

Cancer treatment depends on the type of cancer, where the cancer is, how large it is, whether it has spread, and general health.

The general types of treatments are Surgery, Chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone therapy, immunotherapy and gene therapy.

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Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: pagasa.edu.vn

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