What is a white Christmas? Is it different from Christmas?

Every year, December 25 is celebrated with great enthusiasm and seriousness as Christmas, the day that commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ. The joyous celebration is also associated with other customs such as giving gifts, decorating the Christmas tree, etc. Whether you are browsing the Internet for ideas on how to celebrate the occasion or talking to your friends or family about it, You’ve certainly come across the term “White Christmas.”

This makes us wonder: What exactly is a white Christmas? And is it different from Christmas?

Let’s find out!

What is a white Christmas?

“White Christmas” is defined as the presence of snow on the ground, giving the area a winter wonderland appearance, hence the name. The National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), United States has officially identified this weather with a minimum snowfall of 1 inch on December 25. Christmas has many customs such as decorating the Christmas tree , exchange gifts, sing carols and gather. Enjoy a fun meal with your family. When there is snow on the ground and the atmosphere is calm and peaceful on Christmas Day, the spirit and joy of the celebration is amplified. So when White Christmas comes, it is a magical and special time to cherish with friends and family.

Is there a difference between White Christmas and Christmas?

Christmas and White Christmas are both the same. A “white Christmas” is just a Christmas with at least an inch of snow covering the ground. It follows similar rituals and customs as Christmas. However, White Christmas evokes a special feeling because it adds a beauty to the season that isn’t always present. The beauty of a white Christmas lies in its rarity.

This White Christmas is a weather phenomenon that should not be confused with the famous holiday song of the same name, written by Irving Berlin and premiered by Bing Crosby in the 1942 film “Holiday Inn.” Many singers have covered the song. singer and appeared in many films and television shows. It is one of the best-selling singles of all time and remains a beloved holiday tune everywhere.

You don’t have to dream anymore. It is here. Chicago will have a White Christmas. Thursday night on the Mag Mile. #weather #News #ilwx #chicago #snow storm pic.twitter.com/XUQnGp7kXn

– Barry Butler Photography (@barrybutler9)
December 23, 2022

In short, “White Christmas” is a weather phenomenon that accompanies snow-covered landscapes.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: pagasa.edu.vn

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