What is a doomsday clock? Humanity is now 90 seconds away from escaping disaster. Check the details

What Is The Doomsday Clock? Humanity Is Now 90 Seconds Away From Catastrophe. Check Details

Scientists have reset the Doomsday clock and set it at 90 seconds to midnight indicating that humanity is about to destroy itself due to nuclear weapons and climate change.

Key highlights

  • Midnight on the clock signals the complete destruction of humanity.
  • Russia’s invasion of Ukraine raises fears of nuclear war
  • The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists created the “Doomsday Clock”.

Its #90SecondsToMidnightand every second counts.

Subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest updates on emerging threats and what is being done about them.https://t.co/u1ul3KEZD6 pic.twitter.com/4PDN8BPp59

– Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (@BulletinAtomic)
January 25, 2023

Now that the threat of a nuclear war is looming over our heads due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it’s no surprise that scientists have reset the doomsday clock to 90 minutes. seconds to midnight.

The closer the hand is to midnight, the closer humanity comes to complete destruction. The hands were moved closer to midnight every time there was an existential threat.

“The likelihood that the conflict could spiral out of anyone’s control remains high,” said Rachel Bronson, president and CEO of the newsletter.

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What is a doomsday clock?

  • This is a symbolic watch that shows that the world is getting closer to destruction.
  • Midnight marks the theoretical moment of destruction.
  • Such threats can be the result of political tensions, weapons, technology, climate change and even disease pandemics.
  • Whether the clock hands are closer or farther from midnight is determined by scientists’ reading of the threats present at a particular time.

Doomsday clock: History and origins

  • Created by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists “The Doomsday Clock illustrates how close humanity has come to reaching the end of the world.
  • In 2033, It moves from 90 seconds to midnight, 10 seconds closer than in the past three years.
  • Bronson said the newsletter announcement will for the first time be translated from English into Ukrainian and Russian to attract relevant attention.
  • In 1947, the clock was invented by a group of atomic scientists, including Albert Einstein.

How is the clock set?

A Chicago-based nonprofit organization called the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists updates its time each year based on information regarding catastrophic risks to the planet and humanity and display “time” on the organization’s website.

What time is it?

  • Before the Disaster Clock was only 100 seconds until midnight, although it was now 90 seconds, it was the closest in history.
  • Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has revived fears of nuclear war and it has reflected its effects on the clock.
  • The clock started ticking, more than 75 years ago, at seven minutes before midnight.

Today, the Bulletin’s Science and Security Department moved #DoomsdayClock ARRIVE #90SecondsToMidnight.

To learn more about this decision, read the 2023 Doomsday Clock Statement: https://t.co/13Y7tZUnZy pic.twitter.com/sVNGHdasGU

– Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (@BulletinAtomic)
January 24, 2023

A panel of scientists and other experts in nuclear technology and climate science, including 13 Nobel laureates, discuss world events and decide where to place the hands of the clock each year. It depends on apocalyptic threats that can arise from political tensions, weapons, technology, climate change and even pandemics.

At 100 seconds to midnight, the “Doomsday Clock” is the closest to midnight when it was placed there in 2020 and has been for more than two years. At 17 minutes before midnight, the clock is away from the apocalypse of 1991, when the Cold War ended and the United States and the Soviet Union signed the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty to significantly reduce both their nuclear arsenals two countries.

It is now #90SecondsToMidnight.

Read 2023 #DoomsdayClock Statement: https://t.co/13Y7tZUnZy pic.twitter.com/4jCuj5izda

– Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (@BulletinAtomic)
January 24, 2023

The Doomsday Clock constantly warns us of what is about to happen, while the world turns its attention to what should be done to avoid these apocalyptic threats and focus more on global welfare.

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Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: pagasa.edu.vn

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