Top 10 Oldest Tree in the World 2023 – Ranked [with Age]

Tree of Life

The tree of life is an important symbol in various mythological, religious and philosophical beliefs around the world. It is often associated with the concept of a sacred tree and represents a fundamental archetype. Its origins are believed to have originated in Central Asia and were later adopted by other cultures such as Scandinavian mythology and Altai shamanism. In different religions and philosophies, the tree of life and the tree of knowledge are represented as the cosmic tree or world tree, which connects all forms of creation and links heaven and the underworld.

List of the 10 oldest trees in the world

Name of the trees

Put your name

old tjikko



California, USA)

Llangernyw Yew

North Wales (England)

Zoroastrian sarv


Fitzroya Cupressoides

Chile (South America)

the senator

Florida (United States)

Patriarch of the Forest

Brazil (South America)

The tree of a hundred horses

Sicily (the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea) near (Italy)

Vouves olive tree

Crete (an island of Greeks)

General Sherman

California, USA)

The 10 oldest trees in the world

There is a collection of trees from various parts of the world that have survived for thousands of years. These trees have been able to withstand the test of time thanks to their resilience, their ability to adapt to harsh conditions and the protection they have received from their environment. They are considered some of the most impressive natural wonders on the planet and are a testament to the power and majesty of nature.

1. Methuselah

Methuselah, the oldest known non-clonal tree in the world, is found in the White Mountains of California. Discovered by Dr. Edmund Schulman in the 1950s, this bristlecone pine is believed to have germinated around 2833 BC. C. from a seed.

2. Sarv-e-Abarkooh

Believed to be the oldest living tree in the world, this ancient and majestic cypress is located in Abarkooh, Iran. It is estimated to be more than 4,000 years old and is considered one of the oldest living organisms in the world.

3. Sena

Located in the courtyard of the Church of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes in Tabgha, Israel, Sena is an ancient olive tree. According to legend, Jesus Christ performed the miracle of the expansion of the loaves and fishes under this tree.

4. Great Grandfather

Gran Abuelo, one of the oldest trees in the world, is a Chilean larch located in the Alerce Costero National Park in Chile.

5. The Sarv-e-Hashmat

The Sarv-e-Hashmati, an ancient cypress tree and one of the oldest living organisms in the world, is located in the village of Hashmati, Iran. Located at a height of 25 meters, it is estimated that it is more than 3,000 years old.

6. General Sherman Tree

The General Sherman Tree, located in Sequoia National Park, California, is one of the oldest living organisms in the world. As a giant sequoia, it stands at a height of 275 feet and is estimated to be more than 2,300 years old.

7. Abarqu Cypress

The Abarqu cypress, an ancient cypress and one of the oldest living organisms in the world, is located in the village of Abarqu, Iran. According to legend, this tree is said to be 2,000 years old.

8. The Chestnut Tree of a Hundred Horses

The Hundred Horse Chestnut Tree, estimated to be more than 2,000 years old, is found on the slopes of Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy. According to mythology, this tree was planted by the Greek god Zeus.

9. The angel oak

Located in Angel Oak Park near Charleston, South Carolina, the Angel Oak is one of the oldest living trees in the United States. This oak tree is estimated to be over 1,500 years old and stands 66.5 feet tall, with branches extending over an area of ​​17,000 square feet.

10. Liberty Tree

The Liberty Tree, a white oak and one of the oldest living trees in the United States, is located in Boston, Massachusetts. It is estimated to be over 1,000 years old and stands at an elevation of 50 feet.

Who has the oldest tree in the world?

Bristlecone pines, also known by their scientific name “Pinus Longaeva,” located in the White Mountains of California, are recognized by Guinness World Records as the oldest tree species in the world. The world’s oldest single tree, nicknamed “Methuselah” after the oldest person in the Bible, is estimated to be more than 4,800 years old in 2022. In 1957, Dr. Edmund Schulman discovered the tree and samples were taken of cores. examined and verified by the University of Arizona Tree Ring Research Laboratory.

Bristlecone pines are classified as Extremophiles, meaning they can survive harsh environmental conditions, including extreme temperatures, high altitudes, and varying pH levels. These trees grow very slowly to sustain themselves and their longevity is attributed to their ability to adapt to these challenging conditions.

What is the oldest planted tree in the world?

The Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi is an ancient Bo tree located in the Mahamewna Gardens in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. This tree is considered the closest living link to Gautama Buddha and is highly revered by Buddhists around the world. What makes this tree even more notable is that it is the oldest known human-planted tree in the world, with a known planting date and recorded history dating back more than 2,200 years. According to historical records, the Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi was planted in 288 BC. C. by King Devanampiya Tissa, and has since been carefully nurtured and protected by a succession of Sri Lankan rulers and devotees. Today, the tree stands at a height of around 80 feet and continues to attract thousands of pilgrims and visitors each year who come to pay their respects and offer their prayers to this ancient and sacred tree.

The oldest planted tree in the world is believed to be the Methuselah tree, a hedgehog pine located in the White Mountains of California. However, this tree is not planted, but grows naturally. The oldest planted tree in the world is Taxus baccata, also known as Fortingall Yew, located in the churchyard in the village of Fortingall in Perthshire, Scotland. The tree is estimated to be between 2,000 and 3,000 years old, making it one of the oldest living organisms on Earth. The Fortingall yew is believed to have been planted in the Bronze Age and has been mentioned in various legends and folklore throughout its long history.

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