These math puzzles can reduce your confidence in math skills! Try these out

Math riddles with answers!

Talk about language or science scores among a group of people and they may appear confident, but when you discuss math scores, you’ll see people hide their faces.

Since childhood, we all have a conditioned fear that mathematics is a difficult subject. Well, the fear is not for nothing. Math is really a difficult subject.

This subject is said to have shaken both academic performance and confidence.

Today, we plan to act like Satan and shake your confidence once again with these math puzzles.

Math puzzle 1:

What comes in the void?


Math puzzle 2:

What comes in the void?

A, Z, D, Y, G, X,?,?

Math puzzle 3:

What comes in the void?

CD, HI, MN,?

Math puzzle 4:

The product of two numbers is 1575 and their quotient is 9/7. Then the sum of the numbers is:

Math puzzle 5:

The sum of squares of two consecutive odd numbers is 394. The sum of those numbers is?

Here are the answers!

Math puzzle 1:

What comes in the void?




Math puzzle 2:

What comes in the void?

A, Z, D, Y, G, X,?,?


J, W

Math puzzle 3:

CD, HI, MN,?



Math puzzle 4:

The product of two numbers is 1575 and their quotient is 9/7. Then the sum of the numbers is?


Suppose the numbers are x and y.

We know xy = 1575

And x/y = 9/7

We know xy/x/y = 1575/9/7

We know y2 = 1225

We know y = 35 and x = 45

We know Sum of numbers = 45+35

= 80

Math puzzle 5:

The sum of squares of two consecutive odd numbers is 394. The sum of those numbers is?


Suppose the consecutive odd numbers are x and (x+2)

We know that x2 + (x + 2)2 = 394

We know x2 + x2 + 4x + 4 = 394

We know 2 x2 +4x – 390 = 0

We know x2 + 2x – 195 = 0

We know (x +15) (x-13) = 0

We know x = 13

We know Required Total = 13 +15 =28

Has your confidence been shaken? Do you still think you’re smart? Well, even if you can’t solve these, you’re still smarter than you think. Intelligence is not measured by your skill in solving 5 riddles but by your ability to overcome life’s puzzles.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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