The rush! Find the watermelon thief in 8 seconds!

Find watermelon thief in 8 seconds

Picture Puzzles: One of the most popular activities on the internet today is the picture puzzle challenge.

In this activity, the reader will be shown an image and will have a certain question based on that image.

The user needs to answer the question by studying the picture.

The reader needs to establish the answer using logic and common sense.

This activity can significantly improve brain health by activating brain areas responsible for logical thinking.

Do you want to test how sharp your thinking ability is?


Also read: Beat the world record by spotting 3 differences in 15 seconds now!

Image Puzzle – Find the watermelon thief in 8 seconds


Source: Bright Side

The image shared above depicts a supermarket scene, including three girls and a boy standing in line.

One of the four stole a watermelon from the store and hid it to avoid being caught.

You need to find the watermelon thief in 8 seconds before he leaves the supermarket.

This picture puzzle is a bit difficult and will test your logical and analytical thinking skills. It’s also a great way to improve brain health by enhancing logical thinking skills.

Study the image carefully and see if you can find the person who stole the watermelon from the supermarket.

Try to look for signs that can help you find the thief.

It could be any of the four people in the photo.

Have you identified the thief yet?

Hurry up; Time is running out.

Don’t let the thief escape.

Two seconds to go…


Every now and then.

How many of you have identified the thief?

Those who identified the thief had excellent logical thinking and the sharpest eyes.

Those who cannot resolve it in time should not be discouraged. You can practice regularly to improve your skills.

Curious to know who the thief is?

Then check the solution below.

Also read: This mind-bending optical illusion reveals how people perceive you

Find the watermelon thief in 8 seconds – Solution

The solution to the picture puzzle is as follows:


The person who stole the watermelon was none other than the guy standing at the end of the line. It appeared he was holding a soccer ball, but the effort he put into holding the ball raised suspicions.

Recommended reading: Are you smart enough to find the mistake in the picture in 5 seconds? Try it now!

Categories: Optical Illusion

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