The North Atlantic is breaking record heat. Why? Let’s understand why.

The North Atlantic is getting warmer and warmer. Here

In some regions of the Atlantic, sea surface temperatures in the past few weeks have increased more than ever, reaching record highs.

From the northwest coast of Africa to the western Atlantic, this atypical warming is occurring on a large scale. As satellite data revealed, some surface waters in the area had temperatures about 4 degrees Celsius higher than normal standards for this time of year. This was said by meteorologist at the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Fla., Brian McNoldy.

Experts say that since March, there has been a record heat wave, but now the heat is even higher.

The average sea surface temperature from the Atlantic region stretching 60 degrees north from the equator to southern Greenland, southern Norway, and Canada’s central Hudson Bay region is nearly 73 degrees Fahrenheit (22.7 degrees Celsius) on June 10. This is about 1 degree Celsius higher than the average temperature recorded from 1991 to 2020. In 2010, the previous record for the same day, June 10, was 22 ,1 degree Celsius.

Although the specific reason for the warm-up is unknown, the following may be contributing factors.

Air pollution reduced

It is likely that less pollution could lead to more heating. With less pollution, more radiation can reach the sea surface.

Sahara dust

A large amount of desert dust from the Sahara is flying over the sea.

These dust plumes are generated by winds generated by a semi-permanent high-pressure system and are called the “High Azores”, because of its proximity to the islands.

Recently, however, the Azorean high pressure has become less impactful and has shifted to the southwest away from Africa. As a result, the winds that normally pick up and transport Saharan dust westward across the North Atlantic are actually weaker and virtually dust-free, according to a University of Pennsylvania climate scientist.

Therefore, solar radiation will often spread back into space through dust and reach the ocean surface, thereby heating the dark waters.

In case the trade winds gain more strength, excessive dust from Africa could cool the area somewhere.

Global warming trend

The return of El Nino this year may be the cause of warming seas.

: What are some indicators of climate change in the United States? Please understand

Categories: Optical Illusion

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