The Man and ‘The Millennium Dumbledore’: Who is Shantanu Naidu, Ratan Tata’s young assistant?

The man and his

Recently, a video of Ratan Tata celebrating his 84th birthday with a young man and a cupcake went viral, leaving everyone amazed at Tata’s simplicity. Netizens are also curious to know who the young man is.

Well, the young man is none other than Shantanu Naidu, who has a perfect mentor-protégé relationship with Tata Sons Chairman Emeritus, Ratan Tata.

This is the inspiring journey of Shantanu Naidu.

Shantanu Naidu who graduated in 2014 from Pune University with a degree in Mechanical Engineering joined Tata Group as a Design Engineer.

One day, when he came home from work, he saw the dead body of a dog lying in the middle of the road. “I have always loved dogs and have rescued quite a few. So, seeing a stray dog ​​in that condition killed me. I stood there thinking about taking the body to the side of the road when another car drove by.” through it — I was gutted,” Naidu said.

As a dog lover, Naidu wanted to do something. So he designed a dog collar with the help of his friends. The collar has a reflective panel that helps drivers see the dog from a distance. The next day, he and his friends went around putting collars on stray dogs.

Jagranjosh Team Motopaws | Credit: People of Bombay

In an interview with Humans of Bombay, he said: “I don’t know if it worked or not, but when I woke up the next day, I got a text message saying that a dog had been saved thanks to necklace. It feels amazing.” !”

His initiative was widely praised and was even featured in the Tata group’s newsletter. Before long, demand for the collars plummeted, but the fund stymied the initiative. His father then asked him to write a letter to Ratan Tata as he was also a dog lover. “At first I was hesitant,” he said, “but then I said to myself, ‘Why not?’ So I wrote him a handwritten letter and forgot about it!”

JagranjoshRefraction Necklace | Credit: People of Bombay

Naidu received a signed letter from Ratan Tata after two months, which changed his life forever. Tata not only praised this initiative but also expressed his desire to meet young employees.

Naidu in an interview said, “A few days later, I met him at his office in Mumbai. He told me, ‘I am deeply moved by the work you do!’ I still get goosebumps thinking about that. He then took me to his place to see his dogs, and that’s how our friendship started. He also sponsored the project Our business!”

JagranjoshRatan Tata and Shantanu Naidu’s first meeting | Credit: People of Bombay

Naidu then left India to pursue an MBA at Cornell University but promised Tata to devote his life to working for the Tata Trust upon his return, a request the iconic industrialist happily accepted. accept.

Shantanu Naidu tells Humans of Bombay how he received a call from Ratan Tata when he returned to India and an offer he couldn’t refuse. “As soon as I returned to India, he called me and said ‘I have a lot of work to do at the office. Do you want to be my assistant?’ — I didn’t know how to react so I took a deep breath and a few seconds later I said Yes!”

15 little known facts about Ratan Tata

While people his age have a hard time finding the right friends, the right mentor and the right boss, Naidu found all of this in one super Mr., Ratan Tata. “People affectionately call him Boss, but I like to call him ‘thousand-year-old Dumbledore’ – I think that name suits him best,” says Naidu.

A charming setting with modesty #RatanTata on his 84th birthday

– Harsh Goenka (@hvgoenka)
December 29, 2021

His brainchild, Motopaws, operates in 20 cities across 4 countries. He is also the author of the book I Came Upon a Lighthouse, in which he talks about his experiences working with Ratan Tata. He even started the ‘On Your Sparks’ initiative where he gives advice to young entrepreneurs. The fee he charges for the webinar will go towards expanding Motopaws, an initiative aimed at ensuring animal safety.

Recently, Naidu shared his startup experience at TEDx. Check out these two facts he shares that can help you excel in your entrepreneurial journey.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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